Chapter 23

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Makoto's POV
"Friend? Is that... is that your skull...?" I stare at the skull, unmoving as mum calls the police.
"Maybe... probably..." she replies, holding onto my arm.

"I'm home," Dad says walking through the door. "Something wrong... oh god why is there a skull?!"
"We're pretty sure it's mine," Mai answers, "Hinami called the cops. They should hopefully be here soon." Dad ushers me and Mai out of the room, telling us to go sit in the living room with mum.

Wanting to fill the terrified silence, I turn on the tv, just hoping that something will show up that will lighten the situation.

"After the incident the other week where Shin high school student Makoto Nariko was stabbed, the police have found the criminal who did this. The Principal of the school the victim attends, Junya Kobayashi. In his office, we found a knife stained with Nariko's blood as well as other weapons that link him to other murders and crimes. For example, an axe stained with the blood of Mai Kimaku, a student who was decapitated twenty years ago. Witnesses have also shown that he was responsible for the attempted murder of Airi Daisuke and her (at the time) four year old daughter Mitsuha Daisuke."

"Yes! Mai we need to tell the others about this when we get the chance," I cheer, relieved he'll finally be punished for all of his crimes.

"However, the police have just informed us that he has escaped from custody and supposedly broke into the Nariko family's apartment. Police are going to investigate now. We'll be ready to update you if we get anymore information."

"That monster's on the run..." Mum gasps, holding onto me tightly.
"No... he's going to get away with everything is he isn't caught."

Soon the police are here. Asking questions about the skull and the note. Mum, thankfully, claims that the note was likely directed at her due to the fact she was like a sister to Mai. They ask if anyone was in the house at the time to which I tell them that I was out from around 16:15 to 17:00, which gave him forty five minutes to get in and out without any of us noticing.

Whilst the police continue to talk to mum and dad, I go to my room and begin to text the others.

Me: Kobayashi is on the run

Mitsuha: I know. I got all excited when I heard they linked him to everything that happened so I was super annoyed when they said he'd escaped from custody

Goro: She's now grounded because she punched the tv screen. She didn't break it, she isn't strong enough, but she did leave a crack or two

Mitsuha: Yea, mum and dad can't think of a good punishment

Haruko: I heard them say something about him breaking into your house Makoto. Is everything alright?

Me: I don't know how he got it, but he left Mai's skull in our kitchen

Me: There was a note with it. Said something like "This used to belong to someone you care about. You've exposed me, but don't think you've won yet"

Me: Something like that at least

Izu: that sounds terrifying like Jesus

Mona: I probably wouldn't freak out too much

Hikari: lies

Ren: Well anyway, what now??

Me: This is the adults' job now. We've done all we can, we've proved that he's guilty, we can't do anything else but wait

Mitsuha: Seriously?!?!

Goro: She's right, it's the only way

Ren: Well that sucks...

Hikari: Are we still going to be able to go to Mai's grave tomorrow?

Me: Nothing's stopping us. Yes he might be on the run, but targeting us would be foolish. He's clever, he'll leave us be for a long while, if not, forever

Mitsuha: Ok then, if that's the case, I'm gonna walk to your school and meet you there afterwards

Mona: ?!?!?!

Goro: Are you sure?

Mitsuha: Yea. My fear was that Kobayashi would try to hurt me. He's out of the picture now. So it may still be a bit scary, but if I want to start going to school again, then I have to try

Me: Alright then, good luck

Mitsuha: thx

"It's weird, he's on the run, he's not been punished, yet everything seems so much more calm already," Mai says, "I'm glad."
"Yeah, everything's been happening so quickly and everything's been so scary. And yet, I think we've all gotten closer because of this. Y'know, this is all thanks to you Mai," I smile.

"Of course. If you hadn't asked for our help, the student council would've just remained as something to help me look like a good student for university. But the day after we agreed to help, we spent the day together like normal friends, we even goofed around a bit. More time passed, and we met and helped Mitsuha. The next day, Goro, Mitsuha, you and I spent the day together. And then in the hospital, I got to spend more time with everyone individually, learn more about my peers... my friends. Obviously, there's what happened with Goro, it's all rather embarrassing. There were so many signs that he liked me, that I liked him, but I was oblivious and didn't notice any of them. And now it's all going to come to a close, tomorrow after school, our part of this fight against Kobayashi will be over. We'll be passing it onto those who are more experienced, and maybe they will also make important memories. Whether they're happy or sad, it doesn't matter, it's all part of their journey. Like how everything that happened to us was all part of our journey. And it was all because of you."

I stand up in front of her, give her the biggest smile I can muster. Bowing towards her, I say, "Mai Kimaku, a girl who died twenty years ago and also my most treasured friend. Thank you. Thank you for coming into my life and helping me become a better person."

As I keep my head bowed down, I hear sniffing and can't help but look up. And there Mai is, crying whilst having this huge smile on her face.

"I-I'm so glad my death meant something to you. To you and all the others. So," she stands up and bows down just as I did. "I want to thank you too Makoto. I want to thank you for now only being one of the best friends I've ever had, but for making me feel like I didn't die for nothing. For giving my death some other purpose than letting that monster continue to live on."

Although I try to hold back tears, I can't; so, still smiling, I just let the tears run down my cheeks, looking at one of the most important people to ever be a part of my life with admiration.

"I'm so glad I met you."

Nova Note:

There's probably gonna be like... two or three more chapters, maybe a teaser for the sequel I'm 100% gonna write on top of that

It's sooo weird

Cause it went by soooo quickly

And I'm pretty sure it's my longest story!!

And I thought that I was proud of smile

This is just

I'm prood

Well I'll see y'all later cause I should probably continue to write this

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