Chapter 11

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Makoto's POV
"You can come in Sir," Haruko's muffled voice speaks. As the door opens, Mitsuha holds onto me tightly, her breathing quick and uncontrollable.
"Oh? Daisuke Kun, what on earth are you doing here? You should be at home resting, don't tell me Nariko San is here too," The Principal speaks.
"Don't worry Principal Kobayashi, we had some important business to handle that needed either me or Makoto here. She's at home resting, I made sure before I left home to get here," Goro explains, rather formally.

"It's... guys, that's him. He hasn't changed a bit. He looks just as young as he did before, he can't be more than thirty... but sis is forty..." Mai's words makes everyone go silent. Instinctively, I hold onto Mitsuha tightly, whether I'm trying to protect her or myself, I'm not sure.
"What's wrong? You all look like you've seen a ghost? I mean...

"Maybe you did. But I'm sure the ghost isn't what's scaring you. It's such a shame that my assumptions were correct, you are all searching for me. So who's been helping you, which one of my victims has come crawling to you all, crying for you to help?"

As he speaks, I begin to feel faint, extremely ill even. Tightening my grip on Mitsuha, I try to stay silent, if I'm found... if I'm found he might kill me. But then there will be witnesses, he can't be that dumb. Even so, I begin shaking, trying to steady myself to make sure I don't fall. And then there's Mitsuha, either she feels the same or she recognises the voice, she buries her face in my chest, sobbing silently.

"Go on then. Let's see, was it one of the students? That girl or her mother?" Mitsuha holds me tighter. "Oh, and don't tell her I said this but your friend Nariko is next. If it weren't for the fact she is so determined to catch me, I would've done her a favour. I would've planned killed you instead, then she could take your position."

I don't even need to see him to know who he's talking about. Slowly, I sink to the floor, trembling severely.
"Makoto... she wouldn't do something like that. I'm not sure how heartless you think she is but we all know that she cares about us..." Ren states weakly.
"I considered that too. Say I did kill Daisuke, I actually don't know how someone like her would react. Would she break? Would she use the situation to her advantage? She's logical, but as you said, she seems to care about you all. You still haven't answered my question? Who asked you to do this?"

"Does the name Mai Kimaku ring a bell you monster?" I hear Mai growl. "What are you? How have you stayed the same after twenty years? If you've been killing since 1969, you would have to be over fifty. Logically, you would be maybe seventy by now... but you look exactly the same..."
"You have a sharp eye. Clearly the new friends you've made are smart enough to figure out that all those murders were by the same person. Well, I'm not sure if you could really consider me a person."

He must be walking closer to us or something, as I'm beginning to feel closer and closer to passing out. Mitsuha stays perfectly still, curled up in my arms.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Izu spits.
"You must have a knife or something on you Kim Kun, I'm not accusing you of doing anything wrong, but I know you've kept one on you ever since you found out there was a murderer here. Hand it here, and I'll show you how I'm not human. Nariko San, I want you to witness this too. You'll need to keep in mind that when I strike, you'll be unable to protect yourself."

(Mini Nova Note: Your Queen Nova forgot Izu's surname and had to go on a hunt for it. Idk why I forgot, I'm pretty sure I remember almost everyone else's surnames)

"What are you talking about? Mako Chan isn't here," Mai argues. Suddenly, there's a loud bang on the supply closet door, startling me and making me quietly yelp.
"Mako Chan huh? That's a cute nickname. However, are you sure about that?"

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