Chapter 6

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A/N: this is basically in introduction of Calitia or well, a bonus chapter that is still in the main story. Also, Calitia looks like the pic i drew on the top! Pls dont steal it. The other one is Calitian Empire. Onwards now!


You are falling a bit closer this time. Used to this feeling, you lay back, and spread your arms out. You finally land and find yourself on a large island.

It is decorated with trees and a lot of plant life. You see a flag somewhere. It is white with a red stripe going through the middle. It has two dots on the bottom half of the white portion.

You fall but this time not making a dent. You get up, exhausted from just literally making a portal, you trudge around the thick wooded area.

You come across an empty street, noticing there aren't any cars there but instead mostly things that you would find in your street. Like bikes, motorcycles, and some other things you don't know what they are.

You wander around and find a busy road, this time the unknown things you would assume are vehicles speeding around instead of what would be cars.

You remember what France said, about Calitia having higher tech things and such. You start walking around, looking at places that are probably restaurants and other stores.

Instead of what you would recognize to be English, there were another language written everywhere. It was still in the English alphabet, suprisingly. For some reason, you could understand all of it perfectly.

You're in Calitia.

This place really seems like a utopia to be honest. It has lush, green nature, high tech stuff that most likely isn't even that high tech to these people, and what suprises you most, is that you can actuallu understand everything.

The only thing that makes all of this weird, is the fact that these people weren't even wearing normal clothes. Or what is normal to you i guess.

Instead they wear old timey clothing, like from when you traveled to WW2. Yeah, im guessing you're in 1946 right now. A year after WW2 i presume.

You walk around before bumping into someone. You mumble "vyledrh." And quickly walk away.


You find yourself in the forest again, but this time, you follow a trail. You assume it's just a hiking trail but you are proved wrong when you see what you can only assume to be a mansion, it looks like it's carved out of a tree.

You slowly walk towards it, taking note of the lights on in the main floor and a room on the second floor. You creep closer and look in the windows to see another country, this time their face has a white base and has a red stripe across her 'eyes' and two red dots on her cheeks(kinda like Chara). She is really small.

You then see another country looking identical to the smaller one but has a black base and is much taller. They also have a darker shade of red.

They talk to eachother before the taller one goes back up....stairs? It seems more like a ramp, but i don't really know. The smaller country goes on the couch and reads a book.

After a bit, you realize that you are basically stalking teo countries. You retreat and start to walk away from the place before noticing how extremely tired you are. You pass out and fall into a dreamless sleep unaware the thud of your almost lifeless body alerted the smaller country.

Courtesy // Countryhumans x ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt