Our Skyy 31-Pre Valentine Prep (Team Wives)

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Pre Valentine Prep (Team Wives)

Rome: Ok team bottoms, Valentine's Day is coming. Are you guys preparing anything for our boys?

Sunn: Ummm...I don't know mom, what are you preparing?

Rome: Me? Oh, something romantic. I got an appointment for my beauty prep, to have my hair done and nails done and facial done.

Kao: Ou, that sounds like a full self pampering day for yourself, not for your damn Pik.

Rome: Well, I like to look pretty for my P'Pik. What special stuff are you doing for your Pete?

Kao: Nothing really. I plan to go home and sleep early. I am really tired recently.

Mork: Ou mommy-in-law, are you pregnant? You look really tired recently and like you lost weight.

Kao: Shut up. I am working shifts now and lacks sleep. What about your Mork? What did you prepare for my son?

Mork: Urghh...well....I don't know....yet.

Arthit: Well, you guys are together for three years. What did you guys do the past three years?

Mork: First year, movie date, second year, a short holiday just the two of us and third, a freaking live band. This year, I don't have any idea still. What about you P'Arthit?

Arthit: Actually to be honest, I don't know either. Kong doesn't fancy store bought items and I don't think I can make cheesy cards like Kong. Previous Valentines, I just made him handmade chocolates.

Rome: THAT'S IT! We should all make handmade Valentines chocolates for our boys!

Sunn: P'Mom, P'Por doesn't like sweet stuff. Plus my In is getting chubbier. I don't think chocolates will help.

Rome: No problem. Kao is such a good cook. I am sure he can teach us how to make adult chocolates or healthy chocolates.

Mork: I want to make penis shape chocolates to troll Tee!

Arthit: Oh, it will be great if I can make coffee flavored chocolates. Kong loves coffee.

Kao: Guys...wait. I am a good cook but I can only cook really good world class Yum Yum instant noodles.

Everyone stare at Kao.

Sunn: Well...I guess, we can forget about making chocolates?

Rome: Nope, there is this thing called Google and YouTube.

Arthit: I am sure we can do this. I'll go research the ingredients we need.

Mork: I'll research how to make penis molds.

Sunn: I'll go check the bakery shops nearby for our supplies.

Rome: I'll go get credit card from my hubby. You Kao?

Kao: I'm gonna watch some chocolate making videos and then pretend to teach you like I am an expert.

🌈 💖 🌈 💖 🌈 💖

Written: 12th February 2019

Writer's Note: The problem is, I don't think I wrote a hubby version. 

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