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seulgi x jimin



Everyone was shocked to hear that voice. It was from Sungwoon's fiance, Kang Seulgi. They are about to get married in a week but three weeks prior to that, Sungwoon's first love came to the city to attend the wedding and have a vacation. Seulgi knew that they are friends and she gave time for them to explore the city and have them bond while she was busy finishing the final touches for their wedding.

And now, Seulgi saw Sungwoon kneeling at his first love with candles around them and with some friends from their province on the surprise event her fiance prepared.
"S- Seulgi" Sungwoon stood up but Seulgi was on her way to the both of them.

*Slap* Everyone gasped.

"Kang Seulgi" Sungwoon was shocked and pulled Seulgi away when she slapped the girl but Seulgi didn't buldge she just let Sungwoon drag her.

"WE WILL GO HOME" She told Sungwoon and walked away from the venue.

"Please, just give me this one. Don't be too selfish" Sungwoon said once they have entered their supposed to be home.
Seulgi stopped on her tracks and dropped her bag on the floor. Turning around, Sungwoon saw how Seulgi's eyes went angry and watery.

"I'm selfish?" She scoffed and a tear dropped, "Sungwoon, I have the right to be selfish. I AM your fiance!"

"I didn't ask you to marry me! It was you!" She shouted and now tears couldn't really stop flowing, "And I tried to fight for us because I'm still hoping that you actually loved me in those four years... That was goddamn four years, Sungwoon! Four years! Four years of being patient with you when you were lost and picking you up when you were a failure just to be this kind of man you are today and I never complained because I love you and it was my choice to be patient with you!"

She inhaled and cried for a while, trying to stop her tears, "But... But why is it I look like the villain in here?! Is it because I'm fighting for what's mine? Is it because I look like the tough one? Because she came in to your life first?! Why do I feel like I'm ruining a relationship that never even happened?! This is OUR love story, Sungwoon! Why am I the bad guy in my own love story!"

"You're not..." Sungwoon replied, tears flowing out from his eyes as well.

"BULLSHIT" Seulgi cursed and turned her back for a while and looked up to get some air, "Everyone thinks I am! You know what, I tried to understand you and your unfinished matters with her that's why I was never to tight on you, meeting her but still I'm selfish just because I'm fighting for you"

Seulgi then turned around to look at his fiance for the last time and scoffed, "Isn't it funny? When the good one fights for the guy she loved, it's heroic but when it's someone who's like me? It's being thick faced and a slut"

"Seulgi, I'm sorry" Sungwoon kneeled, "I'm sorry"

Seulgi just lifelessly looked at Sungwoon, tears already stopped from falling, "You fix this. You tell everyone the wedding's off because it was you who wanted it. I am so done facing all of your failures, Sungwoon and I'm so done with you. You are free now, be happy"

Seulgi then picked up her bag and walked away from their house, crying that she had to sit on her legs because she couldn't take it. Everything's too painful and it was only now she cried everything out.

"Honestly, you don't deserve whatever happened to you" The guy beside her said.

Seulgi drank from her bottle and shook her head after, remembering the most unfortunate thing that had happened to her last two years, "It happened to me anyways. Does it still matter if I deserve it or not?"

"Point taken" He frowned.

"Love's a piece of shit" Seulgi took a deep breath, "You gave your everything, you get hurt. You gave a little, you get hurt. You give what's right, you get hurt" She shook her head, "Son of a bitch"

"Maybe you only get hurt because you haven't met your 'the one'"

"You meet him or not, pain is still there"

"But if he's the one, pain is something you will overcome and still see that he's still the best thing that happened to you"

Seulgi looked at the guy beside her, "What do you know about love?"

"To be honest, I have never fall in love but I know it's wonderful. My mom told me so and I can't wait to feel it"

"Wow. Good for you then. Believe in the goodness of it" Seulgi chuckled. "Wait, we've been talking all night and I haven't caught your name, I'm sorry, what is it?"

"Park Jimin. And you're Miss Kang Seulgi, right?" Jimin offered his hand.

"Yeah" Seulgi took his and shook his hand,

"Wait, I know someone named Jimin" She took a little closer to observe the guy she's very comfortable conversing with. Jimin just smiled and let Seulgi get in closer.
Seulgi gasped and pulled back, "Wait! I remember you! Aren't you going to be my secretary?!"

"Yes ma'am! And I'll start tomorrow!"

Love, Me.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें