Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Cat could not believe her luck, she was hired. Antoine was happy enough with her appearance, he liked her eyes... Said she was workable. When Melody a very attractive girl whom she met at a yoga session offered her a job as an Escort, Cat was speechless. Cat had no choice but to accept it, and Melody knew that, considering her circumstances, it was an offer she literally could not refuse. The money was out of this world.

He mother needed treatment, she needed money... Really it wasn't that hard to come to the decision that this was her mother's only chance of survival. Battling aggressive cancer for the last two years... Any money that she had saved up went all on her treatments.... So in order for her mother to continue and have a fighting chance, Cat succumbed to becoming an Escort.

It was not her first choice, but it was excellent money apparently, and that was all she needed. Antoine who was doing the hiring seemed to like her, he was nice enough. Lucky for her that one of their girls quit earlier on in the week, Melody informed her that there was an opening and set up an interview with Antoine.

After showing her around and giving her the rundown, he left her to Marilyn who was stunning to look at, to show her around. What a mansion, it was like the friggin play boy mansion, it was huge, amazing pool, the living areas were huge, the formal and informal dining areas, the technology that this place had was on another level.

She felt like maybe she bit off a little more than she could chew, but it was out of sheer desperation that she did what she did. Marilyn introduced her to the other girls... Tabitha, Lilly, Deliah, Susie and Marilyn, of course Melody, and her being the seventh girl... Cat.

"Has the boss seen her yet?" Tabitha asked.

"Antoine assessed her, she is in and will be taking Pauline's place... That was his orders." Melody replied.

"Boss is going to hit the roof... He warned Antoine not do anything without informing him... We are all going to pay for this." Cat felt a little queasy. Who was this boss?

"I thought Antoine was the boss," she said to Melody.

"He is. That is until the big boss comes around... He comes and goes as he pleases... Listen don't worry about it. You have to get settled in and don't stress... We have to get you ready for Friday night." Oh god... This was really happening... Friday night, she would be working her first job as an Escort.

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