Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Sebastian watched her make her way to the bathroom. He took off his clothes and moved into the bed. He could not be fucked to go and mingle, he wanted to rest, he had a monster of a head ache, this bitch pissed him off... What the fuck was Antoine thinking allowing her to do clients with no experience whatsoever? Fuck if he wasn't so desperately in need of a fuck, nothing would have made him cum. She was just way too inexperienced.

She came out in baby pink lace shorts and a matching lace camisole, her hair was tied up in a ponytail... And by god, if she did not look better without the makeup... Her eyes were just amazing. He looked at her and thought why a girl as beautiful as her would succumb to using her body for money... Money, the source of all evil.

She stood there not doing anything, this was her fucking room and she looked like a lost puppy. "You going to stand there all night?" She bit her lips looking at him.

"I don't know what you want me to do?" She said quietly. He cursed to himself.

"How about you get in the fucking bed for a start?" She nodded her head and moved over to him slowly. "For fucks sake," he was over this all he wanted to do was sleep. He grabbed her arm and flipped her over him. She gasped obviously a little shocked by his actions. "Not that fucking hard..." He bit before turning his back on her and closing his eyes.

He awoke before the sun had risen, he looked at Cat sleeping beside him and thought how young she appeared in her sleep. Idiot, fucking greedy bitches wanting money so bad that they give up anything good about them. His step mother was a whore, she was the reason he detested them so much...

He hated her with everything he had, money was all she cared about, like this bitch here... A cting all innocent like, she was a whore and nothing she did was going to change that fact. She would have to suck it up and deal with what she was.

He left, not wanting to be there when she woke up. He was disgusted with himself for sleeping with her, he had done so well avoiding his girls, he never wanted to fuck any of them, it actually appalled him to even consider it. He knew they were all super model material, but for him, they were trash, used up trash, no amount of clothes and jewelry would be able to change that fact.

He went into the office to finish off work.

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