Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

By the time the party started, Cat was dressed in a red dress, again, very fitting and very short. She wore black heels and left her hair down. Her makeup was once again very dark on the eyes. She looked at her reflection and cringed... Why the hell did her boss want with her? The girls told her that he only occasionally slept with them. This was not only the first or the second time, and coming to the third time that he would be fucking her.

She thought about everything he made her do, oh hell... Cat was beyond herself with embarrassment, it was bad enough doing it with anybody for money, but her boss? And for nothing? Yeah, she would not settle unless she got paid. It was daunting that she had to deal with him again, she really felt like he loathed her, like really found her disgusting, sure he got it up, but something about the way he looked at her, as if repulsed...

"Cat, let's go," came Antoine's voice. She opened the door and he drew in a breath. "Fuck you look hot," he said to her. She smiled.

"Antoine, please... I don't want to be with Mr Black... I mean, why?" She asked sounding a little whiny.

"I don't know, but honey, what Mr Black wants... He gets." She drew in a breath.

"Hey, don't stress, I think he has decided on giving you another client. Thought best try you out for real..."

"Oh... Okay... Does that mean he won't? You know..."

"Who knows? Come on... Seriously don't keep him waiting, he hates it when his orders are not followed, you have to be on time." Cat nodded... So she was going to have a real client, would be interesting to see how different it would be to having Mr Black... Only time would tell... He must be over her... Good... He was a scary piece of work.

Down stairs the room was buzzing, all the rich men walking around like they were too good for the world. She tried to brave up, but it was exhausting to pretend like she was not affected... She hated this so much... It's for your mother, do it for her.

Cat spotted Sebastian, he was in tee shirt and jeans, very casual, behind the bar. He saw her too and called her over. Fixing a smile on her face she walked up to him. Only to be stopped by a gentlemen.

"Can I be lucky and offer you a few hours?" Cat forced a smile,

"You would need to work it out with my boss..." She said turning to walk to Sebastian. But the client carried on following her

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