This is me

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So this is 20 facts about me. I was tagged by @Xayvion my peasant friend. The people I've nominated are all at the end and in a comment below. So here goes....

1. I have a PhD in procrastination. Seriously though ... I procrastinated about buying my friend a birthday gift... She still doesn't have it.

2. Chocolate is basically the meaning of my life, there is nothing that could compare...

3. ...Other than art maybe... I love to draw and paint and stuff, but it's very rare that I actually finish a piece.

4. My number of successful social encounters is less than a pineapple.

5. My ultimate dream is to visit Belgium and Switzerland and eat their chocolate.

6. As a girl I have the right to at least one girly obsession, mine would have to be clothes.

7. Coffee > everything else. Music > everything else.

8. Sometimes I say things that I don't really mean which tend to hurt people.

9. I say things that are so epically random.... Other people can't comprehend them.

10. Sometimes I just sit in the sun outside and look at the sky... Cause why not right?

11. I like thrill-sports ... Or whatever they're called. Those sports like bungee-jumping or sky-diving.

12. 95% of my life is spent on the internet, 4.9% is spent sleeping and eating and the other 0.1% is spent actually doing something meaningful.

13. I've realised that when I walk into the kitchen everything just starts falling and it's just total chaos in there.

14. While other people find flying nerve-racking, I find it relaxing. It's the only time my parents will actually leave me alone and let me watch movies for 12 hours straight.

15. I do lots of unnecessary sports and activities, like hockey and touch rugby, in the hopes that it'll make my college application look better.

16. I have no musical talents besides playing the piano.

17. I was born on the 17th of June.

18. Lame jokes and puns are my kind of sense of humor.

19. People say I have a talent for finding the sexual meaning in everything, for example a carrot, it looks very similar to a male reproductive organ.

20. Single in the womb, single in the tomb.

21. Bonus ... Because I just really felt the need to mention that I love science. I'm a nerd... Deal with it.

I tag @candymaster3 @kennybm @newdivide @nomophobia @EvanescentTendencies @Voidsaber @fantasyfann123 @Ivy95 @BethanyCA @--_TheEscapist_-- @joes9987 @leggo-my-eggo @EyesOfTheTigers @Skittles-for-me @qwertyismybestfriend @Through-my-quill

20 Random Facts About MeWhere stories live. Discover now