NB: Fact number 20 everyone.

105 4 5

(Also written while I was locked outside.)

To da Shipping Queen of da century ... @EvanescentTendencies! I should have done what you did with yours o.o but I'm too disorganized fo dat shiz XD The people I've nominated are all at the end and in a comment below. So here goes again and again and again and again....

1. I hate hair if it's not attached to my head. Loose hair on the ground grosses me out almost as much as insects.

2. I'm not the kind of person who shares their problems with other people simply because I like to deal with them alone.

3. Giving good advice has never really been my forte of expertise.

4. The words forgive and forget don't exist in my dictionary, if you try and pull shit with me I am going to make you pay for it.

5. Labradors are the most adorable dogs that have ever existed.

6. If NASA starts sending people to space, I'm going to be the first person to book a seat for the second rocket. (Cause let's be honest the first one always has problems)

7. I tend to daydream A LOT.

8. Like most people my brain works the best while I'm in the shower.

9. I think my legs are completely numb now. I'm going to get pins and needles when I stand up again DX

10. At the age of 12 I perfected my signature because I genuinely thought I was going to be famous.

11. Bad grammar and bad spelling make me feel homicidal.

12. During a test or an exam when I'm unsure about an answer, I tend to write really small so that the teacher can't understand half of what I wrote.

13. Are people still reading this?

14. I'm pretty good at doing people's hair so now I've been booked to do at least 20 people's hair for their matric (prom) dance.

15. This is the second time my mom has locked me outside my house for being late. The first was when I was in grade one.

16. I wish my phone hadn't died, then I wouldn't need to study to pass the time.

17. When I was 8, I was sitting on the back of my cousin's bicycle ( which was clearly too big for him) and unsurprisingly the bike fell over and a screw came lose and managed to end up in my ankle.... Fun times.

18. *sigh* life.

19. My hands don't function unless they're properly moisturized ... I do not know why.

20. This was fun in the beginning... Now it just feels like an effing punishment. I hope this will help you understand.


Tim sits in class talking to his friend, "Bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla."

His teacher sees him and shouts, "Timothy! You haven't stopped talking since the beginning of the lesson! Go into the corner and write 20 facts about yourself!"

Tim replies petrified, "But... But ma'am! You can't make me! I won't do it!"

The teacher says "Stand up and go to the corner! NOW!"

Timothy grudgingly walks into the corner dreading his punishment. He really really doesn't want to write another 20 facts about himself, he is so desperate to avoid his punishment that he jumps out of the window from his classroom on the 5th floor.

R.I.P Blabber-mouth Tim. He was a good boy who was driven to death by the Fearful Facts.


^^ this is literally how I feel when someone tags me ...

I nominate ... (...)

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