Chapter 78

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Copyright © 2019 Nicole Mckoy

Zoey P.O.V.

"Well I'm going to be raising this baby alone," I said.

Dominic wiped his mouth with a napkin as we finished up our food.

We'd spent the afternoon just chatting over a couple burgers. He was very easy to talk to and a good listener.

"You could always put it up for adoption," Dominic suggested.

"I don't think I could ever do something like that," I said.

"Why not? Many couples out there want babies and can't have one. You'd be giving them a priceless gift," Dominic said.

"Maybe... but I still just don't think I'd ever be able to go through with something like that," I said.

"Well it's just a thought," he said.

I nodded.

Dominic and I stood up and left the burger place.

I had a lot to process right now concerning my pregnancy and future.

"Well this was nice. We should do it again sometime," Dominic said as he walked me to my car.

"It was nice. I agree we should hang out again... but as friends. I'm in no space to be dating right now," I said.

"I hear you. I can be just friends," Dominic said.

"Well let me give you my number. We can make plans to hang out again," I said.

"Alright," he said.

I put my number in Dominic's phone and he put his number in mine.

"You know you should come by my gym sometime... free workout on me," Dominic said.

"I need to be taking it easy right now," I said.

"Well once you have your baby and you're ready to snap back we can make you an appointment," he said.

"Alright sounds like a plan," I smiled.

I unlocked my car and got inside.

Dominic waved bye to me and headed over to his car.

I pulled my phone out of my purse just seeing if anyone called me while I'd been eating.

I saw I had a missed call from Caleb.

He was probably calling me because Cheyenne had called him from my phone when I was in the hospital.

I didn't really want to talk to Caleb especially when I had this secret I was holding in.

I'm pregnant with his baby but he doesn't know it...I don't think I ever want to tell him either.

I just really needed to figure out my future and life without Caleb being a factor in it.

Maybe I'll change my mind about telling him sometime but that day wasn't today.

Although I was going to call him back just to tell him I was good.

I dialed his number and the phone rang.

I felt nervous and felt a little kick in my stomach as the phone rang.

The baby knows I'm calling its daddy.

"Little bean sorry but your daddy can't know about you right now," I said as I rubbed my belly.

The phone stopped ringing and went to voicemail.

I didn't really want to leave him a message.

But I decided to so he knew he didn't need to call me back.

"Hey Caleb it's me Zoey. Just calling to tell you the call you got from me earlier was a mistake. My cousin was playing around on my phone. Anyway hope you're doing well it was nice seeing you in the grocery store with Evan's boys. Anyway I gotta go. No need in calling me back. Bye."

I hung up my phone and took a deep breath.

I was officially closing the Caleb chapter of my life. I was letting him go and everything we shared... aside from his baby still growing inside me.

As I put my phone in my purse I felt a sharp pain and it felt like the baby kicked again.

I held my stomach and screamed because the pain was so sharp.

Something didn't feel right.

I looked down and saw blood on my leather seats.

There was blood coming from between my legs and I felt myself getting weak.

Shit something is wrong.

I hope I'm not losing my baby. Not after all I'd be through and survived this far.

I quickly got my phone out of my purse.

I called 911 but before I could speak to the operator I loss consciousness.

Caleb P.O.V.

"Nope! Give me your phone," Evan said as he snatched my cell phone out of my hands.

I was at a blackjack table ready to gamble when my phone vibrated in my pocket.

I saw that Zoey was calling me and my heart skipped a beat. I wanted to answer. I wanted to hear her voice.

I was weak and wanted any kind of interaction I could get from her.

But here Evan was blocking shit.

"She's a toxic hoe. You can do better. We're blocking her number," Evan said.

"No!" I protested trying to get my phone back.

"Trust me Caleb you'll thank me in the morning when you are waking up next to a hot ass chick instead of sulking because of Zoey drama," Evan reasoned.

The only hot ass chick I wanted to wake up next to was pregnant by another man.

"Fuck why do I love a girl who cheated on me and got pregnant by another guy!" I shouted out loud totally frustrated.


"Just stop. I know this guys trip is suppose to help me get my mind off Zoey but it's not. She is all my heart wants. All my mind is consumed with. I need to call her back," I said as I snatched my phone away.

I exited the casino and walked outside onto the sidewalk.

I saw that I had a new voicemail and decided to listen to it.

"Hey Caleb it's me Zoey. Just calling to tell you the call you got from me earlier was a mistake. My cousin was playing around on my phone. Anyway hope you're doing well it was nice seeing you in the grocery store with Evan's boys. Anyway I gotta go. No need to call me back. Bye."

Zoey called me but didn't want me to call her back.

I wanted to call her back.

But if she insisted we keep our distance maybe it was for the best. At least now I could have peace of mind knowing she was alright and the previous call to me was a mistake.

I put my phone back into my pocket shaking off the feelings I had for Zoey.

I need to let her go. I need to let the love I feel for her die. I have to move on with my life even if I don't want to.

It's for the best.

I headed back into the casino and found Evan and my friends.

I got myself a beer and tried to relax.

Maybe the old Caleb will come out to play tonight. I just needed to get a few more drinks in me so I could really let loose.

All In (Interracial Romance)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora