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"What in the—

Then it hit me. I was dead. My heart had been eaten. I saw Zariel scream from across the me that was in this reality and boy did it give me the chills. 

All that blood! 

Oh...I hate blood!

Do you see now?

Her question jerked me to see the pale woman beside me. She was expressionless when I lowered my gaze to the fallen look-alike of myself. 

"What's going on?" I asked with a shaky voice. 

She smiled gently. 

Look at the woman. She was your ancestor and long ago she had made a choice. 

I looked and saw me crawling towards Zariel in a desperate attempt. Our/Their hands touched and my heart began to break at the sight. 

Poor Zariel... No wonder he was so uptight...

Do you see now?

"Yes." I replied while I observed the rest of the story flash through like lightning. Every memory of my twin's/ancestor's came to me and went away. It was well enough for me to gather the gist. 

Isda, had made a choice. But it hadn't been the correct choice. 

And now, it was up to me to make it right. 

Of Truth and Lies: Vampire Witch Romance Novella 2 ✔Where stories live. Discover now