CHAPTER 1: Alice in Wonderland

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Oh... the puppy dog eyes did me in every time! 

But this time I was resolved. 


I shrugged off the severely skimpy dress. It showed too much of my neckline not to mention it was way too short. I tried desperately to tug it free but Irina kept at it and eventually, I had to give up and give in.

Before me were three more dresses which were, well? mostly skimpy and outgoing. I hated this but I would never prevent my sisters from doing anything they wanted.

Which included tonight's situation. 


"Stop squirming, Ana."

Irina scolded and I sighed out. She was one cranky woman when push came to shove for partying. Not to mention, tonight was a special occasion.

I should be happy because it was my birthday. The day I had come into this family as an additional bundle of want, hunger, and misery. Sadly, no moping was allowed and I could barely cope with the fact of having them do something special for me.

That was until they started to bake me up into a party girl. Yes, I hate partying because it makes me feel irresponsible and seriously there are too many things to care about just like there are time to let things go.


"Okay, okay!" I sucked in some air for courage as Irina poked at my chest again. The Bra was tight and it made me feel a little out of breath when I slowly tried to loosen my body and relax.

"Don't do that. You'll pop your dress and then everyone will see your boobs."

"And whose fault would that be?"

I retorted, heading towards the mirror for a better look. In my own world I always looked gorgeous and perfect with flowy dresses. The same wasn't for tight clothes since they showed off too much of my flab which my sisters called "Assets" in any occasion. 

But tonight was one of those exceptions since I couldn't stop staring at myself in the mirror. The dress hugged my curves generously showing them to advantage. The bra lifted my chest to perfection and the skirt was absolutely perfect to show off just the right amount of sass and class.


"Don't you look hot?"

"I look like a hooker!"

I wasn't used to complaining but this...this! It did make my flab look sexy and for once, I'd agree with my sisters. They were right. Flab were assets and I looked drop dead gorgeous. 

"That's the way girl! You gotta go with the flow."

Behind me Irina winked and I saw how different we looked. While she was svelte I was more of shall we say...womanly. Rubenesque would be a generous compliment too if I was being truthful. Yet in the mirror we looked more sisterly than ever. Not to mention, my body looked like it belonged on the runway with the dress.

The thoughts of a runway model being jealous of me, made me feel desired and hot! Just the vibe for tonight if I had to pull off the stunt of actually loving to party...which I was sure was impossible to keep along with being miserable.

"Oh cheer up! You look hot! Sexy! Vibrant!" Irina hugged me from behind. "Not to mention good enough for any man to want to eat you up!"

My ears went hot and a blush colored my cheeks peach. Dang, I blushed easy.

Of Truth and Lies: Vampire Witch Romance Novella 2 ✔Where stories live. Discover now