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Me and Zoe laid on my bed watching Netflix on her laptop whilst she snuggled into me.

"Why'd you do this to yourself"
She whispered as she traced each scar I had on my arm.

"I just felt so alone, like everyone hated me, I felt like a failure and I needed something to distract me from the mental pain so I used physical pain."
I said

"Well I love you and I never want you to feel alone"
She said before pecking my lips.

"Maybe your not perfect but you are in my eyes"
She added and I smiled

"Have I told you how beautiful you are"
I whispered

"Many times"
She responded with a small giggle

"Well too bad because I'm saying it again"
I said.

"So what are you doing for college next year"
Zoe asked and it startled me.

"Well I'm going to take a year break to work and save money for college"
I explained

"So we can go to college together"
She said with bright eyes

"Well yeah"
I said realizing that she'd graduate after me.

"Only two weeks till graduation... are you ready?"
She asked.

"I guess I mean I cannot stand our school so"
I said

When she mentioned graduation I realized that meant prom was next week

"I know this isn't anything big but do you want to go to prom with me?"
I asked her.

"I'd love to"
She smiled.


Zoe and Alana went last minuet prom dress shopping together while me and Jared went to go get tuxes.

"So it doesn't bother her that you totally lied to her face?"
Jared asked.

"You did the same to Alana"

"Me and Alana aren't dating"

"You pretty much act like it" 

i  scoffed

"how long does it take to find tuxes like seriously"

said a feminine voice that belonged to Alana

"What are you both doing here" 

Jared said 

"We are here to buy you ties to match our dresses"

Zoe said as she grabbed my hand

"So lets find you both some ties"

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