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"Anti watch out!!" Violet screamed, pushing Anti onto the floor just before the person shot.

Anti screamed, grabbing Violet as he fell and hugged her close. He landed on his back, his head hitting a tree root and knocking him out.

Violet screamed frantically, seeing the familiar face coming closer. It was her father.

A ball of red appeared in her hands and her eyes glowed red. She looked Vincent straight in the eye and held her hand up at him.

"Stop moving or you die." She threatened sternly.

Vincent glared at Violet, aiming his gun directly at Anti's head.

Anti stayed unconscious, his headbleeding.

"You do ANYTHING. HE dies." Vincent said, gesturing to Anti with his gun.

Violet didnt move her eyes from Vincent. She wouldnt let him do anything.

Vincent froze, as a red light appeared everywhere behind him.

She's using her powers... Vincent thought, scared for his life.

Violet moved her hand up and Vincent was now high in the air. She began to move her hand up and down, shaking the man to where he dropped his weapon.

Anti groaned as he started to awake.

Violet quickly touched Anti's arm and grabbed the bag, then they dissapeared in a cloud of purple smoke.

Vincent watched from above as he saw them dissapear, leaving him to fall to his death.

Anti was still asleep, for the most part.

Violet shook Anti awake in a room of his house that looked to be a living room.

"A-anti.. We got away!! Please wake up.." Violet pleaded.

He slowly woke up, looking around.

"Oh thank god." Violet huffed.

He looked at her.
"What happened...?" He groaned.

"Vincent came.. I took care of him though.. Are you okay?" She asked, her hands turned a red color and she looled at Anti with red eyes.

Anti paused, then hugged Violet tightly.

"I think my head might be bleeding, but I'm fine." Anti said.

Violet quickly put her hand on his head and it began to heal without leaving any scars.

He sighed of relief as the pain went away.

"Better?" Violet asked, smiling as her eyes returned to normal and the glow from her hands stopped.

He nodded softly.

Violet looked at Anti with a smile.

"Good." She said, nodding a little.

Anti gave a soft smile, holding her close. Violet hugged him back

He slowly stood up.

Violet watched him do so.

"So... Um.. I, uh.. Kinda.. Did something to someone.." Violet hesitantly said, awkwardly rubbing the back of her neck.

"What?" Anti asked with a raised eyebrow.

"So... Um... I might've killed a person.. While we were in the woods.... And while you were passed out.." Violet explained, a look of worry on her face.

Anti blinked, then picked violet up and spinned her around happily.

Violet was confused.

"You're not mad..?" Violet asked, surprised he didnt punish her or something.

He shook his head.

"I'm PROUD!!" He said happily.

"R-really?" She said. "I-i've killed a person before and I got beat..." She explained.

Anti held her close. "I would never beat you for anything."

"You won't?" She asked, hugging him tightly.

[This is where I have to do it myself since we stopped doing this roleplay :')]

"Of course not. Why would I?" Anti said, looking Violet in the eye.

"Because sometimes I get a little over my head?" Violet says with such a childish and innocent tone.

"Well guess what. I get over my head as well. So, now we're even. Can you show me where the bad guy is?" Anti said, with a soft smile.

Violet nodded and touched Anti before teleporting to the spot they were at last.

Am I Finally Safe? (Anti X 7yo Violet) (Father/daughter type)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora