Chapter two

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I found a seat as far away from Ashton as I could I found a seat and sat down I told Michael to sit down next to me which he did

My morning classes went okay but by Fifth period I had to use the washroom I started to walk to the bathroom until I was pushed into a set of lockers I knew who did it


I really wasn't surprised when calum was there to today he wasn't it was only Ashton great

I managed to pull my self up when Ashton kicked me in the stomach I instantly fell to the ground

Ashton kneeled

He put his finger under my chin and lifted my head up so I could look him in the eye I was on the verge of tears

"Aww is someone gonna cry?" Ashton said getting up and kicking me in the stomach again

Please tell me why I love him again?

I almost broke but that's until I heard a familiar voice

****Michaels P.O.V****

I saw Luke go to the bathroom he's been gone quite awhile how does does it take to pee?

I started to get worried I asked the teacher if I could go see what's taking him so long I walked down the hall and saw I sight I never wanted to see again

It was Lukes bully he told me what he did to him for the past five years it broke my heart

"Hey!" I yelled

Ashton turned and Luke gave me a sorry look I was confused on what that meant but I lunged my self at Ashton he looked scared


I held him against the lockers

"Ever hurt my best friend again and rip your eyes out with my hands"

He nodded I let him go and he scoffed I wanted to go after him again but then I remembered Luke I rushed to his side

"You okay mate?" I asked

"Ye-yeah I think so"

I helped him up and we walked to the classroom I told our teacher that he was sick so he had to go home we were dismissed

I picked Luke up and started walking to Lukes house

"You know I can walk right?" he said

"I know but I'm your best friend and I need to take care of you when your hurt" I stated "its the best friends code"

He just laughed I laughed with him

We made it to his house and I took him to his room I laid him down on his bed I asked him where he kept his ice packs

"In the freezer downstairs"

I ran downstairs and grabbed the ice pack I walked upstairs and handed him the ice pack

"Thanks" he mumbled

"No problem" I said with a smile

"So do you have a crush on anybody?" I asked trying to make him feel better


"Who's the lucky girl or guy?" I asked I didn't care if he was as straight as a ruler or as gay as a rainbow he's my best mate! I can't give up on him and I won't

"Um it's a guy" he stated with a light blush on his cheeks

"Well what's his name?" I asked

"Okay I don't want you to hate me butitsashton" he said way to fast for me to understand

"What? I couldn't understand you?"

He sighed "its Ashton" he said looking away

I was shocked how could he love his bully?


"To be honest Mikey I really don't know"

I nodded

"So who's your crush?" He asked

"Well his name is calum" I said with a light blush on my cheeks

"You know calum is Ashton's best mate right?" Luke said

"What? I'm sorry Luke I didn't--" he cut me off

"Mikey it's okay I love my bully and you love my bully's best mate you love who you love right"

I nodded "right"

"Do you wanna sleep over?" Luke asked me and I nodded

"I just need to get my stuff" I said

Luke nodded "well let's go what are we waiting for!" Luke said getting up he hissed

"You okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine just a little sore is all"

I nodded

We walked to my place and I grabbed my stuff and I told my mom where I would be

"My mom won't be home till tomorrow morning so we have the whole house to ourselves" Luke said with a smile

The rest of the night was filled with pizza and movie marathons

I fell in love with my bullyWhere stories live. Discover now