Chapter four

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****Ashtons P.O.V****

I looked up and saw Luke he must be going to the bathroom I looked to make sure that Michael and Calum weren't looking

They weren't


I didn't want to have a run in with Michael again to be honest he scared me

A little

He just scared me a little a little is all

Okay maybe he scared me a lot but that's not my point

I got out of the cafe' as quickly as I could

I really don't know why I was finding Luke I didn't like him right?


I loved him

I was walking until I bumped into something realizing it was Luke I looked into his beautiful blue eyes he was biting his lip which turned me on why does this boy have to be so hot

I pressed him against the lockers

He surprised me by talking

****Lukes P.O.V****

Ashton pressed me against the lockers now was my chance

I sighed I'm really gonna do this

"Look Ashton your probably gonna kill me for this but I-I like you a lot I've liked you for the past five years why I don't know but I do"

I looked up at Ashton he gave me a look of disbelief

I felt a blow to the cheek and blackness was surrounding me the last thing I heard were "I'm sorry baby" I believe it was Ashton

Was he crying?

That's all I heard before the world went black

****Michael P.O.V****

Lukes been gone for quite a while I looked over to see if Ashton was at his table he wasn't

Oh no

I shot up and Calum followed me I saw a sight I never thought I would see

Ashton was holding Luke in his arms crying

Ashton was crying??!!?!?!

I rushed over

Ashton looked at me

"He-he t-told me he li-liked me and I-I didn't know how to-to react so I punched him I'm sorry" Ashton said crying harder and snuggling his head into Lukes neck

I couldn't beat him now he looked way too....broken

I sighed

"Lets get him to the hospital" I said

Ashton nodded standing up Luke still in his arms

I felt sorry for both boys Luke more than Ashton but still

We got to the hospital and some nurses took Luke to a room

Ashton,Calum,and I sat in the waiting room

Ashton had his head in his hands still crying I heard him mumbling "what have I done"

My mom called she wanted me home now I gave Ashton my number and told him to text me for news on Luke

"I'm gonna go to ash see ya" Calum said

****Ashtons P.O.V****

I waited in the waiting room for hours until a nurse came out

I fell in love with my bullyWhere stories live. Discover now