An Eventful Time At Taki's

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Isabelle shook her head over and over again. "Why is he here..." she muttered to the other three. "How did he even find this place?"

"I don't know." Clary replied, carefully looking at her ex-best friend. Everyone looked at Simon who was currently scanning the restaurant. 

Beside Simon was Eric, who was currently checking out Clary. He had mistaken Clary's stares towards Simon for her falling in love with his face. 

Eric sent a not-so-distinct wink towards her direction and held up his fingers into a "call me" sign. 

Jace, who was also looking where Clary was, sent a not-so-distinct growl towards Eric's direction.

"Well, Jace. You may not be a werewolf, but that was a pretty good growl." Alec said with an amused face.

"Shut up, Alec. At least I don't purr like you do." Jace shot back. 

Meanwhile, Eric was cowering in fear of Jace, while Simon was still clueless as ever. 

Isabelle didn't dare look at Simon. Not even a glance. She was too afraid that if she looked at Simon, she wouldn't be able to turn away.

The seconds that passed felt like hours to Isabelle. While the others were discussing Simon's prescence, Isabelle was picking at the food that she didn't remember being brought in. The tension was growing stronger, but she knew only she felt it.

Simon didn't realize how much emotions Isabelle was feeling, but by that first glance, he definitely felt something.

He didn't know what it was, but he did know he thought she was beautiful. Really beautiful. 

And as the tension built up inside of Isabelle, she couldn't take it anymore. Swiveling her head, she saw Simon and Eric at the table across from them. Simon was staring straight at her with a small smile on his face.

That smile. she thought. I miss that smile. But soon, Simon's smile disappeared, and a frown replaced it. Isabelle was confused. Why did he stop?

"Isabelle." Jace interrupted. "You're crying."

Isabelle immediately put her hand to her cheek. She was crying. 

In a rush, Isabelle stood up and ran out of Taki's. The tears rushed down her face furiously and uncontrollably. Finding an alley nearby, Isabelle ran into it and slid down onto the floor, hands on her knees.

After a while, when the crying stopped, she heard footsteps. "Alec, leave me alone." she sniffled. "I'm not in the mood."

"It's not Alec." 

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