He had a sister?

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-your point of view-

Your still walking through Finn's room, you still can't believe you are actually in Finn's house, that you are dating him and that you've talked with his brother! Remember the time before you went to high school, you just knew him from a screen! It's unbelieveble, and now you just saw a drawing of you with a loveheart, amazing! Then your eye falls on a photo of Finn and a girl, that girl kinda looks like Finn. Who would that be? you don't know. You hear footsteps on the stairs.

Finn: *walks upstairs* Y/n, where are you? 

Y/n: *immediately you lay the picture back on the place* in your room! *walks out of his room*

Finn: oh *smiles* and what do you think?

Y/n: it's pretty nice, but also really big *giggles*

Finn: *chuckles* yeah I know, but do you come? I made breakfast

Y/n: o-oh yeah sure

*you both walk downstairs and start eating the pancakes*

Finn: does your mother know that you're here actually?

Y/n: *nods* yeah, I've called her

Finn: okay good *continues eating*

Y/n: uhm Finn?

Finn: yeah? 

Y/n: when I was in your room I saw a picture of you and a girl, who's that?

Finn: *looks down sad*

Y/n: I am sorry.. You don't have to say it if you don't want to *feels kinda guilty*

Finn: no it's fine.. That's my younger sister. She died.. a few years ago

Y/n: you've had a sister?

Finn: *nods*

Y/n: *a tear rolls down your cheek* I am so sorry..

Finn: it's not your fault babe..

Y/n: *more tears are rolling down*

Finn: *he looks at you* Y/n, why are you crying? What's wrong?

Y/n: it's just.. I feel so guilty and bad.. I shouldn't have ask it..

Finn: come here *he pulls you close to him and gives you a hug* it's fine baby, you don't have to feel bad 

Y/n: I love you so much Finn..

Finn: I love you way more


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