I've lost him..

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- Your point of view -

Sam: *runs to Noah* Noah?!! *shakes him carefully* Noah, please reply! Please I need you *slowly there rolls a tear down her cheek* Noah..

Y/n: *walks in with Finn with your eyes full with tears* it's just my fault!

Finn: no it's not your fault. Don't say that

Y/n: you weren't here Finn

Finn: but I just know you wouldn't do something like that to him, I mean he is your best friend

Y/n: because of me he is knocked down *cries more*

Finn: stop saying that, it's not your fault. End of story

Noah: *coughs*

*you all look immediately in the direction of Noah*

Sam + Y/n: Noah??

Noah: *opens his eyes slowly and lays his hand on his head* where am I..?

Sam: Noah, baby.. are you okay?? *she wipes her tears away and looks at him* 

Noah: I-I guess..

Y/n: *walks to Noah* 

Noah: *looks at Y/n* y-you okay too..?

Y/n: *shrugs* I don't know..

Sam: *wraps arm around you and rubs your shoulder*

Y/n: *smiles a little*

Finn: I am glad that you're okay Noah *walks out of the hotelroom*

Y/n: what's wrong with Finn?

Sam: I don't know, go check on him, I will stay with Noah

Y/n: *runs out of the hotelroom and looks around* Finn?? where are you??

Finn: *sits on a couch*

Y/n: *after a while you see him and walks up to him* Finn? What's the matter?

Finn: nothing

Y/n: but you seem sad or mad

Finn: im fine

Y/n: but you're not..

Finn: I said I am fine!

Y/n: *scares of his reaction* why do you react in that way..?

Finn: why I react in this way? Well maybe because you only care about Noah

Y/n: that's not true! I care about you!

Finn: then why didn't you talk to me?!

Y/n: Noah had an accident! You should've been worried too!

Finn: *shakes his head, cuz he is annoyed and walks outside*

Y/n: *looks at him leaving, being confused*

Finn: *walks to his bike and bikes away*

Y/n: *you let yourself fall on the ground and starts crying* I've lost him..


Authors note: sorry if I have made you cry ahh

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