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(A/N) When Emma 'hardens' something, she makes it so other people can use it. Normally, only she can use the creation in question. 'Hardening' something makes it so even if she's knocked out, the object will remain 'real'.

"So, what can you do exactly?" Trixie wondered.

"Surely your tracking skills cannot surpass the amazing skills of Pronto?" Pronto asked.

"Does he talk about himself in the third person a lot?" Colyn wondered.

"You get used to it," Junjie replied.

"I'm guessing you used your telepathy to-" Eli started, then was steamrolled over by Kord.

"What model of blaster is that?" Kord asked, staring at Emma's blaster. It wasn't hard, mostly just still there for show, so she hardened it before handing it over.

"Um, I borrowed a lot of components from other blasters to make it, so I don't really know." Emma shrugged, handing him her blaster.

"You built your own blaster?" Kord sounded impressed.

"Well," Emma hesitated, glancing at Colyn. He shrugged, and she grinned. "I didn't build it, I made it."

"Isn't that the same thing?" Eli asked.

"Not to me," Emma replied confidently. She held her hand out, a blaster identical to the one Kord was holding materializing in her hand. She hardened it, then handed it to Colyn. "Here you go, you can be a slug slinger too!"

"I think we need to chat about what happened to the surface," Trixie noted. "Last time I checked, this stuff didn't exist when Eli told us about the surface."

"It's kinda a new thing, like, the last two or so years."

"I haven't been down here for an entire year yet, I think I would've known about that kind of thing," Eli replied.

"Odd, I could've sworn the news of a giant fight between aliens, magical humans, and more aliens would've made the news. Well, it did in America, I don't know about everywhere else." Emma shrugged. "The surface has known about magic for years."

"No, it hasn't," Eli replied. "My surface doesn't know anything about magic."

Emma made a face. "That doesn't make any sense! One question, how big is New York?"

"Really big?" Eli guessed.

"Here, New York City is a tiny town at the base of a canal built with magic years ago," Emma said. She made another face. "I'm asking the C's, be right back." She disappeared, and the Shane Gang looked at Colyn, who shrugged.

"Get used to it, she'll chase something down till the end."

They stood there for another minute or so until Emma popped back into the alley.

"Okay, so turns out you were actually under Secilia's universe, but when it got blown up, your part of her world was sent here, so you're actually in a different dimension. The C's did make sure to have your neighborhood intact, if not a bit confused."

"Um," Eli said, looking askance at her.

"Run down? You're Surface is very different than the one right now." Colyn said, smiling slightly.

"That makes no sense," Trixie admitted.

"The great Pronto will make sense of it!" Pronto exclaimed. He began muttering to himself while the others watched him patiently. "We are in another dimension!" He finally exclaimed.

"Thank you, Pronto," Eli said, turning to Emma and Colyn. "Where are you staying right now?"

Emma and Colyn glanced at each other. "We haven't actually been staying around here, since our discovery of this place, we've been in and out, scouting around and trying to learn more. People don't know much about this place though." Emma explained. "We're living where we normally do, but we're considering this an extended mission."

"Can you teleport?" Trixie asked Colyn.

"No, I hold on to Emma when she teleports," Colyn answered.

"Maybe I could show you around for a little, you can stay at where ever you're staying at night, and I can help teach you about Slugterra."

"Eli, are you sure this is a good idea?" Trixie asked.

"I need to take this back to my workshop and see how this works. Mind if I borrow it?" Kord asked Emma.

Emma grinned. "Yeah, keep it. I can always make another."

"Despite the rudeness of our meeting," Junjie began, with a glance in Emma's direction. She blushed and shrugged. "I do believe we can trust them."

"And your slugs?" Eli asked Emma. "What do you do with them?"

"Well, these two mostly insist on coming with me to the surface, something about liking the battery of tests Secilia keeps putting them through." Emma grinned. "I think they're just as excited about her, as she is about them. The others just go back to where ever they came from."

"And that is?" Trixie asked.

"Dunno, those specific types of slugs tend to cluster around me, they just kinda trickle in, rubbing up against my feet." Emma shrugged. "Secilia thinks it has something to do with my pyrokinetic abilities."

"She can control fire," Colyn explained quickly.

"I think we can trust them." Eli offered. "And if Junjie is okay with it, I think we're safe."

"This isn't the first time someone who's saved our back-ends has turned on us." Trixie pointed out.

"Neither of them has a thugglet, I don't think they could hide it if they had any ghouls." Eli pointed out.

Trixie sighed. "Fine, but I'm keeping a close eye on them."

"So are all of us," Eli reassured her.

Emma giggled a little as the Flaringo slug nuzzled against her neck. "Okay, okay, fire it is." She put her hand up to where the slug could hop on it, and abruptly, her hand lit on fire.

"Ah!" Eli jumped, freaking out just the slightest.

"Hey, don't worry. It'd be pretty ridiculous if a pyrokinetic was burned by their own flames." Emma pointed out.

"Right," Eli said, watching her flaming hand carefully.

(A/N) Well, the Shane Gang and the Sandiegos have officially met. I haven't got any direction for this, so, ideas anyone? 

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