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"You could've called me." i said as i dropped my bags on the floor and run over to hug him.

"I knew you were upset, i didn't think you'd answer. I have been up there Alexa. Almost everyday during my lunch break at work." he explains.

"They why did the nurses tell me—"

"I told them not to tell you or your mom. It was stupid but your mom thought i was spending too much time there." he explains. "So i just went when no one would know."

"Oh my god, i have to go. Let me change and i'll be back down." i tell him before running upstairs.

I quickly threw on a pair of black leggings and a green blue sweater over my white bralette and i ran downstairs.

"You ready?" Shane asked me and i nod

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"You ready?" Shane asked me and i nod.

We both walk outside, get into his car and drive to the hospital.

"Shane, Alexa!" the nurses stopped us. "We moved him to room D415" they explain.

"Thank you." i tell them before we both entered the elevator and rode to the correct floor.

We went up the long hallway until we reached 415.

I knocked first but didn't wait for a response before i flung the door open and wrapped my arms around him small body.

"Oh my god Ethan." i began to cry.

"Ali, chill." he says.

"Shut up. I missed you." i tell him and chuckle lightly.

"I missed you too." i let go and Shane followed my actions.

"We both missed you little dude." Shane said as he let go of him.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm starving. Can't a boy who's been in a coma for six months get some real food around here?" he asks, throwing his hands into the air.

"I'll get the nurses." i walk out of his room to the sign in desk. "Can i place an order for him?" i ask Frankie.

"Yeah, of course." i tell her what he would want and i head back in to sit with him.

Soon after he finished eating and we got some catching up done, Shane left us alone and i told him i would be a little longer so he caught an uber.

"I really missed you kid." i tell him, looking at me feet. "You have no idea." i shake my head.

"Please don't cry for me Ali. I missed you too but i know what you said and i know you were here for me." he says. "I don't want to think about that though. I just want to pretend everything is back to normal." he said.

"I can't do that." i said and another tear escapes my lid.

"I forgive you. I'm not mad and i don't want you to blame yourself."

"I love you." i say as i lay my head into his lap.

"I love you more Ali."


I woke up confused from a phone call and soon realized i had fallen asleep in the hospital chair next to Ethan's bed.

"Hello?" i answered the call.

"Alexa, Shane told me you you were at the hospital last night and you never came home. You have school, and you know this. Get up and go now, it's already 7:40" she nags me so i just hang up.

I lightly rock Ethan's arm to wake him slightly.

"I'm leaving for school, i'll come back right after." i tell him and he just nods before falling back asleep.

I grab my keys and phone and head to the elevators once again.

I arrive to school 5 minutes late and i walk into my Advanced Trig class.

"Nice of you to join us Miss Montgomery." the teacher nods for me to take a seat and i take the last available seat next to a new girl.

The teacher goes on teaching and i look over to the girl who is twiddling her pencil.

"I'm Alexa." i pause "But you can call me Lexi, Lex, Alex, whatever." i introduce myself.

"Natalie." she quietly says without anything else.

"This class is a cake walk. I dont know why they call it advanced." i explain to her but she just continues to look at her pencil so i take that as she doesn't want to talk.

After a while, i start to feel antsy.

"What school did you come from?" i try to ask her again.

"Alexa, you seem talkative today, why don't you tell us how to do number 6." Mr.Clark cuts me off.

I look up at the board and quickly do the math in my head.

"square root of three over two." i said.

"Very good Miss Montgomery." he looked somewhat annoyed that i knew the right answer.


Lunch time rolled around and i did the same routine i had come to know and love. From fourth period to my locker, meet Jacy at her locker and we both walk down to the cafeteria.

Repetitive, but i like a little bit of structure to my life.

"Good morning you Gorgeous little whore. How has school been today?" Jacy asks me smiling, as always.

This girl really has never had one bad day.

"Same as always, Jace." i replied.

"Well, i would assume someone be in a better mood now that her brother woke up." she suggests to me while raising onto her tip toes.

"Just because my brother woke up, doesn't mean i hate school any less." i rebuttals.

"Whatever." she pushes my shoulder.

We finally get to the cafeteria after our seemingly long walk down the hallways and we sit at our usual seat next to the group of boys that can still stand to sit near me.

I glance over to something that caught my eye and i notice the girl i had talked to in Trig.

"I'll be back." i tell Jacy before walking to greet myself once again.

Once i get over to her table that, i might mention, she was sitting at alone, she didn't even glance up at me.


"Natalie," i pause. "We have an empty seat at our table if you'd like it." i offer.

"No thanks." she rejects.

"I just saw you sitting by yourself and i don't offer many people to sit with us so i'd assume you'd want to—" she cut me off.

"I said no. Fuck off, please." she stalely says.

At least she said please was all i could think as i slowly walked back to my table.

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