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Knocks sounded at the door, did TJ have work today? Luckily he didn't, he couldn't risk losing his job for not even calling in, he loved that place.

"TJ? You home?" The voice called.

There came no answer, TJ had passed out only five minutes before, if he was awake he probably still wouldn't answer the door, but the person had texted him.

The boy at the door had texted him. By the end of the day everyone had heard about TJ Kippen getting knocked on the ground without trying to put up a fight and everyone knew full well TJ Kippen could put up a fight.

Three consecutive knocks sounded at the door once again and the boy wanted to give up. TJ's jeep was home, he decided he'd call his phone.

After giving it four tries and hearing the phone elicit the tone, he couldn't help but be a little suspicious. The phone didn't sound far. He rang the doorbell and knocked again, surely there would be someone yelling "go away" by now.

what are you up to? i heard
about today you okay?

(8)Missed calls from Cyrus

Yes, Cyrus was worried. Cyrus Goodman was worried about his friend TJ Kippen.

Even though they hadn't been friends long, Cyrus was too good at analyzing people and their feelings. TJ gave off an awkward vibe and Cyrus never said anything, but he couldn't help seeing a bit of insecurity. He wasn't too good with confrontation, so he never really said anything when TJ muttered things he thought Cyrus didn't hear.

Cyrus sighed and rang the doorbell again.

"TJ?" He called.

Cyrus couldn't take it, he no longer cared and the action of impulse took over. Cyrus was never one to just walk in to anybody's houses, but TJ was not just anybody.

The door was unlocked and he just went for it, slowly sneaking himself in and shutting the door quietly behind him.

It was then that he turned around and noticed TJ lying on the ground. First he was amused, what the hell was he doing on the ground anyway? Who would sleep on cold hard wood floor? Then, he realized that TJ's head was bleeding and he became worried again.

"TJ?" He called, but when no response came, not even a toss, or turn, or grumble, or even a grunt, Cyrus took a few hesitant steps forward. "TJ?" He said again, a bit quieter this time, he didn't want to just yell at him, but God the blood was about gushing.

He knelt down and put his hands on him, TJ's body seemed numb or limp, but when he was sleeping wouldn't he be just the same?

Cyrus furrowed his eyebrows and shook the boy. He had enough color in his face to show he was alive, but he was still very dangerously pale.

"Teej," Cyrus said firmly, surely if he was playing around there would be some sort of half smile or movement, but his phone was slid far from his reach, as if he had fallen.

Cyrus did everything he could to keep himself from panicking. He stood quickly and went for the kitchen, quickly rummaging through the drawers to find a rag and when he did he soaked it with warm water and opened the fridge to luckily find a bottled water.

He then rushed back over to TJ and felt for a pulse, then listened for breathing. It was light.

Okay, okay, so he's breathing.

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