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TJ was driving and he had absolutely zero cares that Cyrus' cousin lived almost half an hour away.

Cyrus was intrigued by the spontaneous moment. TJ was more than excited to get there and Cyrus loved being in the car with him.

They hadn't even gotten halfway through the pizza before leaving.

"Have they gotten their shots? Oh my God, do I need to go get cash? Wait no- I have cash. Should we get a collar or let him free ball?" Gasp, "We have to go get food! Do you think it'll like me? Should we give him baths so he doesn't get upset with water when he grows?"

Cyrus laughed, "TJ the kittens are free, you'll have to get food though."

"This is so great!"

"TJ you're actually such a softie."

"Okay, I'll take that, I don't care."

In about twenty-five minutes they pulled up to his cousin's house and hopped out of the car.

"Wow, I still can't believe we drove out here for a kitten."

"I'm excited, this is great, I won't be so lonely anymore," TJ said as they approached the door.

Cyrus frowned before he knocked twice and twisted the knob to walk in.

"Alex!" He called. "We're here!"

Another brunette slid down the hall and this was who TJ assumed to be Alex.

"Cyrus— my man! How's it going? This your boyfriend?" He asked and smirked, then hit Cyrus' shoulder and laughed, "I'm just playin'. Alex," he said, introducing himself, "you must be TJ, nice to meet you."

Alex was just as tall as TJ, he wondered how Cyrus felt being the smallest of them.

"You as well," TJ smiled.

"Alex, where are the cats?"

Alex chuckled, "In the other room, come on, I'll show ya."

Alex took them down the hall and into a room that looked like an office, the kittens and mama kitty laid in what looked like a dog bed. Some of them crawling around on top of each other and others laying with their mom.

"Oh my God," Cyrus said, he was more into it that TJ was now. "They're so cute!"

Cyrus immediately sat down and picked up one of the kittens. TJ smiled and sat down next to him, letting one of the kittens come to him rather than picking one up.

"They have had their shots and everything and they're quite the playful bunch when they're not cuddling their momma," Alex said, watching over the two.

"We have to get a litter box, yikes," TJ said. Cyrus chuckled.

"All you really have to do is buy the litter."

"We have an extra box if you guys want it," Alex said.

"That'd be cool," Cyrus said.

"I like this one," TJ said. The cat was orange, white, and black. It was playful for one moment, biting his hand and all, then it would push its head into TJ's hand the next, purring ever so softly.

"Cool," Alex said. "Normally we don't just give away the kittens for free, but her litter was quite big this time and Cyrus is good family," he said, wrapping his arm around Cyrus.

Cyrus offered TJ a soft smile as he held one of the kittens. TJ laughed when the kitten he was holding started to lick at his fingers.

"They're adorable," Tj cooed.

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