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Cy ;)
basketball game? sounds
cool, when is it?

In all honesty, Cyrus had no idea that this upcoming game would be a March Madness game, mostly because he was wrapped up in school and didn't listen to what all the jock boys were talking about half the time. He tried once, but the scattered jock talk got boring and hard to follow. It was true, boys gossiped too. It seemed that the teenage boys didn't know how to stay on topic most the time so Cyrus didn't listen.

Well, the kid hardly paid attention to his surroundings unless it was his small group of friends and even then he spaced out half the time, thinking about God knows what.

Unlike the other jock boys, TJ constantly tried to change the topic for the sake of his anxiety and obsession with keeping away from personal topics. The other teenage boys did it very easily and quickly without even noticing. TJ was a bit too shy to do that.

march 23, during spring
break, will you be busy?

Cy ;)
nope, not actually going
anywhere this spring break

Cy ;)
my dad said i could hang,
so i'm free!

alright cool, i'll get some tix

Spring break was just in a week, that seemed so insane to Cyrus. Thank God it was Friday, TJ was excited to get home and smoke himself out of weed, then mindlessly dance around his room.

TJ bought the tickets, printed them out and admired the colored paper. It was so exciting, now that he was able to drive, he could finally take himself to things his parents were never home to take him to.

TJ Kippen watched basketball on the TV whenever no one was around and it was on. Which was about twenty-four seven. Yes, TJ was the biggest sports fan.

Unfortunately he wouldn't be able to see Duke or Kentucky play, but any March Madness game was exciting.

By the time TJ got home and took three hits, which he didn't regret at all, his phone began to ring.

Half super stoned and dazed, he picked up.


"Hey Teej... what's up? You sound tired."

TJ chuckled very lightly. "Nah Cy, I'm just really high."

"Oh fun, well that throws out the plan of going out. Well, I'm gonna order a pizza and come over if that's cool?"

"Pizza sounds so good Cyrus," he said, laying under the covers in his bed.

"Okay, I'm coming over, should I just come in?"

"Mi casa es su casa," TJ mumbled.

Cyrus laughed, "Oh my God TJ."


It was quiet for a second.

"TJ?" He was calling on the other line. "TJ— Teej? Did you fall asleep?" TJ had indeed fell asleep. Cyrus laughed on the other line. "I'll see you soon T."

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