Chapter 1

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Kirishima witnesses himself the horror of war. Being dragged to battlefield after his 16th birthday. Watching his dearest friends killed by the enemy's bullets. No more laughing without worrying a grenade will suddenly roll over his feet. But something, no, someone, kept him alive. The person who abled him to survive this far. His light, and now he's trying real hard to keep his precious light shining.

The hospital isn't more peaceful than usual. Emergency situations left and right. Everyone are too busy to take care of the blood stains everywhere. Sometimes there are heart-warming scenes in the hospital, families reuniting. But farewells are also common, something Kirishima wishes he won't ever take part with.

Kirishima passes through the white corridors, greeting the busy nurses. Blood stains, messy hair, and eyes that haven't slept for days. He admires and respects their mental strength to keep being a nurse after witnessing multiple gruesome wounds and painful goodbyes. He wonders what they have been through, what motivated them to do it.

"Yo, Kirishima. You're here for him again?" A young girl with short pink hair greets. Kirishima nods with a smile. "Yeah, I gotta take care of him, Mina," The girl is one though soldier, Kirishima's comrade. She had to take a break after a massive injury, but she'll return in a week. She gives a worried expression and pats Kirishima's shoulder. "There's nothing to stop you, right? Stay strong, buddy. He'll come back," Kirishima knows how this thing makes Mina frustated. But Mina won't show it. She is such a strong girl. She will try anything to keep the spirits up. "He isn't coming back, Mina. He's still there," Mina only responds with a smile. Before it gets completely silent, Kirishima asks another topic. "How's Kaminari?" Kaminari is another comrade, a cheerful dude with the best sense of humor. "He hasn't woken, but the doctor said he's very stable. Jiro is very happy to hear it," Kirishima is glad too knowing his friend is doing good. Poor Jiro, though, losing someone important won't be easy, and Kirishima doesn't want to experience it. But he isn't leaving, right? He's there, inside the room Kirishima is heading to.

After parting with Mina, Kirishima goes straight to that room. He chats a bit with the nurse in charge before going in. "Can I give a visit today?" The nurse thinks for a few seconds. "Yes, you can. You're one of the few people he's less violent with. I hope you'll help his recovery too, Eijirou," Kirishima's expression gets brighter in the blink of an eye. "Thanks! And... thankyou for taking care of him, Miss," The nurse sighs. "Its my job, dear. But, I don't think you should be too hopeful. Even Doctor Chisaki doesn't know if he will ever come back," A brief, but hard depressing feeling hits Kirishima. "He's still there, Miss. I'm not giving up," "Well, that's the Eijirou we know. Get in, boy, remember to leave at 6 PM," The nurse says before she walks away. "Have a nice day, Miss!"

"Bakugou, I'm here," Nothing has changed from yesterday. The blond is sitting on his bed, staring blankly at the window. The window is closed, nothing to see, but that's where his pupils are concentrated too. And he doesn't answer Kirishima's greeting, not since that incident seems to rip apart his personality. "Its bright today, really. The sun is messing with my eyes. But I'm doing great!" Kirishima starts talking about what he did lately and what he plans to do. "I miss my mom's curry so much! How thoughtful of her to cook it for me. Look, she told me to share it to you," Kirishima takes out a lunchbox and shows it at Bakugou, who again, gives no respond. "Kaminari is getting better lately. Jiro is really tired, but she's waiting for him to wake up. I think he will come back in the matter of days," Bakugou looks like he is trying to remember the names. He used to laugh along with those names, but now they're blur memories to him. "So, when will you?" Kirishima's voice cracks when he says that sentence. He regrets saying it. He couldn't hold it, but he doesn't want to confuse Bakugou. "A new restaurant is open nearby. Its a small place, but the food is quite good. I'll take you there one day, so get better soon, please," A slight change is visible in Bakugou's expression, but he is far from back.

And so the day goes like the ones before. Visitors have to leave at 6 PM, so Kirishima leaves too. He walks home under the red sky.

"Hey, Kirishima, the sky is really red today. It looks like your hair... and eyes,"

No, there is no one who says it to Kirishima anymore. And the fact makes tears flow from Kirishima's eyes.

He has known Bakugou since high school. He thought Bakugou was just a loud, prideful dude. But he's more than that. He has a sky-high pride indeed, and hates losing more than anything. But he's also intelligent and cares in his own ways. Many are scared of him, but Kirishima loves that Bakugou.

When the two boys were dragged to war, they got even closer. Bakugou was one of the best young soldiers in the squad. He's physically excellent, and when the leader, Iida, isn't there, there are rare shocking occasions where he could direct them or at least made them calmer. He cried sometimes, alone, and Kirishima knows it. But everyone will cry if they're in his position. Bakugou is truly one of the manliest people Kirishima has ever met.

Kirishima loves Bakugou so much, sometimes being with him didn't feel real, until that day. It was another battle in a battlefield they are familiar with. No one expected that the enemy sticked a bomb on their helicopter. It was already late when Yaoyorozu realized it. Kirishima's feet stepped on the rooftop of a building a second before the total chaos. Bakugou was just a bit late, but the cost was his self. Amnesia due to brain damage. Too much trauma, either physical or mental, erased Bakugou Katsuki.

Of course, he won't stop here. Kirishima will come again. Even if the commander will need to drag him back to the battlefield, he'll stay with Bakugou. Even if the worst happens, he'll stay.

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