Chapter 1

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T-shirt, check. Jeans, check. Phone, double and triple check. Dead woman, check. Hair brushe— Wait, dead woman?!

I stared at the woman through the mirror, a small exhale escaping my lips as I realized it was just another kids memory.

"God, these kids have the worst pasts...." I hissed, annoyance seething through me at the amount of things following me around lately.

"Help me." The woman croaked, reaching her fingertips out close to my shoulder. "Please, help." I moved slowly towards the washroom door, attempting to ignore her burnt, mangled face. Opening and slamming the door shut, I ran to the small space I called a room, flopping face first onto the bed.

"What's the matter, Holzer?" Cerebrus chirped, coming to life in his small tablet implanted in the wall. "Something bothering you?"

Cerebrus—or Cere as some of the kids called him— was an Artificial Intelligence system. I'd added his AI code from my portable tablet to all the security systems here during my first days here in this house. Pubs might have been surprised, but she wasn't angry.

"Leave me alone, Cere," I mumbled, my voice muffled by the sheets. "Nothing happened."

"Are you talking to that AI of yours again?" Pubs questioned, peeping her head through the door. I nodded slightly, rolling onto my back to look at her.

" I not wanted here?" Cerebrus asked, an obvious hint of sarcasm in his voice. If course he knew, I'd asked him to leave. However,Cere was quite the adamant one. I'd programmed him in such a way that he learned and adapted like a person, maintaining free will. It was sometimes annoying, honestly.

"Yes," I hissed. "Now go away." Cere's screen went blank, signaling that he'd left the room.

"Well that wasn't very kind," Pubs scolded. "Even if it is just an AI, I'd suggest you be a bit nicer. You said it had feelings, correct?"

I was silent for a moment, nodding. Pubs knew her point had gotten across, walking out of the room.

"I'll be preparing food," She called. "don't be late -!"

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