Sunny day

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A month or so into my stay i decided to visit the beach. We made a day of it actually. Moomin, Little My, Snufkin and myself set off. We cut through the forest first as Moomin suggested so i can get more mentally prepared.
"There are a couple more friends tagging along, i hope you don't mind Kestret."
"Ah, i don't mind. The more the merrier as they say."
In the forest we stopped by a burrow type home. It looked cozy actually.
"Sniff! come in out, we are going to the beach!"
I heard a rustle inside then the door open where an unfamiliar face popped round the corner. 
"Oh yeah? For i picnic i hope?"
"Well Moominmama did pack us sandwiches."
"Then yes id love to join-er"
He notices me and slows his exit, seeming as if he would slip back into his home.
"Who is that?"
"This is Kestret, she washed up on the beach a month ago and as been staying at My home."
I dramatically bowed down, causing my cloak to flop over my head.
"Pleasure meetin' ya Sniff."
"oh, oh, any friend of theirs is a friend of mine!"
Sniff scurried up the path and shook my hand. From what i could tell, he was eager to get into the food.
"So, wheres the other friend that's coming along?"
"Shes just a bit further along the path she-"
Little My cuts Moomin off.
"Shes Moomins giiiiirlfriend."
He blushed lightly, hardly visible under his fur. I decided against picking on him about it seeing as we weren't as close of friends as he was with everyone else here.

Sure enough, further down the path was a nice farmhouse. That must have been The girls home. 
"Snorkmaiden! Lets go to the beach!"
An adorable girl that looked like Moomin but with a blonde fringe and golden anklet swooped out the front door with such grace. Before she could inquire, i introduced myself. She shakes my hand but i get a vibe of 'Moomins my boyfriend soo' I wave it off in my mind and we all made out way to the beach finally. On the way, the girls and myself picked flowers in the fields and put them in everyone's hair and clothes. 

Dreadedly the Beach comes into view.. I kept my composure but remained some feet from the lapping waves on the sand. Everyone is either in the shallows or walking along the wet sand, letting the salty water wash over their toes. 
"Aren't you going to get in?"
"Yeah, it was your idea to come here after all."
By now i'm sitting on my cloak and zoning out to the waves, thinking on what grabbed me that day.
"Mm?-oh, no. I'm not much for water."
Little My swam to where she could stand and put her hands on her hips. She cocked her head to the side and shouted to me.
"What's wrong? Cant swim?"
My face began to redden and i took a moment longer than she liked to reply.
"Scared of the water?"
I'm visibly embarrassed then and she busts out laughing. She fell down in the water, lauching like a hyena.
"Shes scared of water like some kind of cat!!"
"Not true!"
"Oh yeah? Then come out to where i am. I'm sure you can handle that at least!"
Moomin interjects when he noticed i was on the verge of tears. 
"Hey she doesn't have to justify why she wont get in. Perhaps she just wanted a fun day for us."
I got up and ran for the forest to save face. I would have rather died than cry in front of my new friends. As i vanish into the thick flora i heard Moomin raise his voice at Little My.
"Now look what you've done, shes run off!"
Snorkmaiden called after me.
"Kestret! Wait!"
But i wasn't about to stop yet. I wanted to run the feeling out. Wishing every footfall would shove the negativity into the mud i ran and ran till my lungs hurt. Finding a large tree on whose trunk i could rest, i collapsed and sobbed. How silly of me to let Little My bother me so badly. How silly of me to think i could set up a day like that and not get questioned. Now i looked like a real fool.

Some time later, perhaps half hour, Snorkmaiden calls out for me. Shes not the ideal person to see me in this state. She probably thinks i'm a threat to her relationship. I sat quiet, choking back my sniveling cries. That didn't work because she comes straight to me and sits by my side. 
"I'm very sorry Little My upset you. She just likes to tease.. I won't ask what you to talk it right now but Moomin and Snufkin told me how you came to be here.."
I let myself lean on her and she put her arms around me reassuringly.
"It definitely was out of line for her to harp on your trauma.. Just know that if you ever need another girl your age you can come to my house and we can talk about anything you like."
I looked up at her and gave one last sniffle before standing up. Its getting dark now.
"The others are probably worried about us.. I'm glad i have someone to confide in. Know that i'm here for you as well Snorkmaiden."
On the way back to Moomin house we discussed happy things such as our favorite flowers and the prettiest things we've beheld. 

The moment we are in sight, Moominpapa greets us on the steps as he is having a smoke. He gestured inside, i knew id have to face Little My once more.. As i enter i was Greeted by an embarrassed Little My.
"I'm... Sorry.."
I was still a bit hurt to reply vocally so i nodded as if to say thanks then bid everyone goodnight. She seemed really upset i didn't accept her apology but didn't pipe up because i believe she understood the damage she had done.

Then curled into bed, i cried a little longer. Little My had made me think on an excellent point.. How can i even try to get home or look for proper answers if i still can't bring myself to step in the water.. The overwhelming feelings that day were exhausting so i soon drifted off to sleep.

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