Golden shore(and something more)

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in the night we made landfall. i still being nestled in the beak i flew right over the figurehead into the damp sand. What a way to wake up but i was awake nonetheless. Standing up i dusted off my pants and climbed back up to grab my bag. The pirates clambered out of the forecastle and wiped their tired eyes to try see the dark beach scene. It must have been about two a.m. as the moon was just past its peak. In the night the seas breeze made my cheeks a little flush and made all of my exposed hair wave up.
"I'm gonna go explore a little before  things begin waking up yeah? I will be back."
With a wave off i threw my bag on my back and set toward the city lights. 

This must have been the first time i walked on so much pavement in years it was confusing for a moment as i was used to the squishy wet forest ground or giving wood floors. Light posts were all along streets lit with a small happy flames greeting me with little giddy flickers. Some people walked briskly as though they were being followed and some walked carefully hand in hand with their partners or friends.
Along the way there were cabanas here and there where people partied late. Almost everywhere i looked people all dressed like it was the red carped or something.
"Are perhaps lost little farm girl?"
Looking up my eyes are met with a taller gentleman wearing a gaudy leopard print butterfly collared shirt unbuttoned dangerously low. I try to make eye contact through his orange tinted glasses to confront him properly but with no avail.
"Sir i will have you know i can send you to space?"
He sifts his posture and taps his chin in a way as you would to an imaginative child.
"Oh yes? How so little lady?"
"Bend over ill show you how with my boot!"
He scoffs and goes to throw a drink on be but some stranger linked their arm with mine and piped up.
"I'm.. sorry sir. This is my bastard, thanks for finding her for me.."
With that they escorted me away and explained.
"You must be a stranger because nobody talks to Tresco like that, hes one of those big shot play boys yaknow?"
I nodded along with their words, taking in and remembering their appearance. This friendly stranger had interesting grey skin and horns coming out from black hair. A symbol on their jacket matched the shape of the horns which made me ponder on which came first, the horns or sign while i awaited my turn to speak.
"As i do appreciate you saving my dumb ass from having to change clothes.. I must say i don't care who any man is i will kill them if they less than respect any woman."
They nodded in agreement and looked me over with tired eyes before turning around and leaving.
"Be careful still kiddo.."

While i walked in my own direction into the city i pondered still, maybe i could choose to be what they were. They seemed very cool in my opinion. In my head i tried to see what i could be most content with in the sense of looks. I had many choices from being covered in fur, to scales or having horns even. As i thought on this i looked for a place to be alone and think on it. I had no money so maybe i would just have to return to papas ship. I knew there a bunk left for me in the crews quarters.
"Hey guys, you going to explore too now we have made port somewhat?"
Captain of the trio leaned over the railing and saluted as the other two hopped down. 
"Yes ma'am! You know your way around here so we wont be needed right?"
I began to climb up and find a place to be alone.
"Oh right, have fun lads."
With that the pirate trio set out in their own adventure for the week.

for the next couple days i sat alone playing my melodica along the shore and working my imagination to find what i fit best as. when night fell i lost myself in the dancing flames of the camp fire as i heated up some food mamma had packed me. 
"Oh what may i become? What is it i am meant to be from here? What is it i like most? To be alone or the law? to care above all else or vanish in the sea i so feared?"
Just as i became incredibly frustrated i heard a noise. it was like a muffled babies cry. Over a to a mound of rocks i got closer. Behind and between every one i looked for the source as i forgot my frustration in place of concern for this child. 
"Ah finally!" 
i had found it. A small basket with a fussing baby inside. Lifting the soft white blanket i find a note pinned on the end. Curiously and carefully i lift the child into my arms before reading it.
"To whom it may concern.. I find myself in a position in which i am unable to care for and raise my son. Call him what you wish and take him for your own please. Inside this basket i lay my dear child and pray he finds way into caring arms. Thank you, M."

Now back at the ship i take what i assume is my new son and freshen him up as i examine his tiny features. A short snout with a little black nose, curious eyes in the color grey, fur all over and fantastic little paws. Not a thing out of place, every finger and toe had a soft pad to pair and his tail had not a kink. 
"What a wonderful little fellow you are! what have you in this basket hm?"
I dig inside and find many things i may need in caring for him. A bottle, spare cloth diapers, little clothes and extra fabric to make more as he grows and the seasons change. Quickly i catch him from crawling away and put a clean diaper on him before he can plop down and get sand stuck to his tush.
"Ill bet you want a bottle now huh? Luckily we do have some milk in cargo."
A babble of hungry fuss was my reply.

Once he gotten his bottle and was burped for nap i hummed a lullaby or two while i thought. What would i name him? What fits with how he was discovered? oshaun?.. Shoren?.. no you cant have him laughed out as he grows.. Iv'e got it! kiviä!
"You were found by the rocks and so that is your name dear son, kiviä."

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