round i ❧ scene iii

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"Blazeburrow, what do we do now?" Cuminseed asked. He tried to keep his voice even, but it still wobbled slightly.

Blazeburrow took a look around.

Sedgeflake still had his muzzle buried in his dead sister's fur, his eyes shut tight and brimming with tears. Rosemary stalks pricked at his eyelids, but if he noticed, he didn't seem to care.

Violetshard nuzzled her brother gently, murmuring things to him. Her face was calm... a liar's mask of calm. Blazeburrow hadn't the need to use one of those in a while, but he could still recognize it when he saw it. Violetshard's stiffness and her dull eyes betrayed her sorrow.

Snookstone stood by the cat he had mentored, his presence giving silent support. Meanwhile, Swanwhistle was pacing the clearing restlessly and muttering things under her breath, obviously distraught over her best friend's death.

Blazeburrow couldn't stand seeing the Clan like this.

"First, we must give Primroseskip a proper burial. After that, we should all rest, just to recollect ourselves." Blazeburrow's voice caught in his throat. Primroseskip didn't deserve to die, especially so young.

"Violetshard and Sedgeflake, you were her family, so you should do it."

Violetshard nodded absently, and Sedgeflake reluctantly pulled away, but not before murmuring something under his breath. The pair gently slipped the body onto their shoulders and trudged away.


Swanwhistle's haggard meow caught the Clan off guard. Usually she was cheerful, the light of the Clan alongside Primroseskip. Now, with Primroseskip gone, it seemed like a part of Swanwhistle had died with her. Anguish swirled in her eyes, and her once melodious voice was sandy and broken.

"Please, let me go with you. She was my best friend; I must see her off, please!" Swanwhistle's voice cracked as she pleaded the two to let her follow them to the burial site.

Violetshard's eyes softened. "Of course. We all loved her very much."

The three cats disappeared from view, no one else saying a word.

Another death. Blazeburrow found himself afflicted with fear; it was a rare feeling for him. How long until the next death occurs? Hopefully, Honeystar finds something out from StarClan. We'll need the help, or else we'll be wiped out, won't we?

"The only thing we can do is pray." Blazeburrow flinched; he had forgotten that Cuminseed was standing right beside him. He met the white and brown tom's gaze.

"Have faith, Blazeburrow. Sooner or later, this will end." The weakness in Cuminseed's voice was replaced with a stony determination. Blazeburrow couldn't help but wonder, how could he recover so quickly?

"Violetshard was right," Cuminseed continued, reading Blazeburrow's thoughts. "Our fallen Clanmates wouldn't want us to mope around, would they? To honor them, the Clan must move on."

Blazeburrow considered his words. It wasn't exactly easy to move on from the deaths of dear friends. But they would've wanted us to be happy. And perhaps the fact that they had passed on was further incentive to respect their wishes.

"Thank you, Cuminseed. You're stronger and wiser than we give you credit for."

Cuminseed nodded wordlessly, his eyes betraying no emotion- a contrast to his hesitation and shock earlier- and padded off.

Blazeburrow stared at his paws, pondering the events of the past few days. So many dead... But for what?

Oh StarClan, let Cuminseed be right. Sooner or later, this all has to end, doesn't it?

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