round i ❧ apology

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The following is an apology from the traitor of round one, cuminseed (AlphAOmegA151) for uh, killing all the deputies and causing no vote to happen.

Um, well guys... Sorry isn't going to cover it, but sorry? I did kind of ruin all your fun and basically forced you guys to do nothing. (even when some of you guys accused me you couldn't kill me and that was probably really depressing, despairing and demoralizing.)  I mean, as the killer it is my role to slaughter you all, but the way I did it was kind of underhanded and somewhat morally unacceptable, and I wholeheartedly apologize for that.
P.S.: I promise you that killing Quetzalgaze and Primroseskip were purely accidental, and then I just figured the rest of you out. Now, all I can do is beg for you not to kill/ban/boycott me from the game.

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