The Strongest

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Inside Beacon Academy
Baki POV

     We quickly made our way inside the academy, people around me would usually throw a glance at me and whispers among themselves

"who is he? never seen him before"

"he's cute! who is he?"

"is that a bunch of scars on his hand?"

     I ignore their glance and remarks while still following team RWBY to their dorm, finally we stopped.

"this is our dorm!" Ruby pointed out a room with numbers on it, room number 566. (yes I made that up)

"and if you need anything, our dorm is just across from their dorm" Pyrrha said, pointing at room number 567.

"okay, thanks guys"

     But before any of them can say anything, an announcement came from the sound system.

"team RWBY and team JNPR, please get to Professor Ozpin office immediately" 

"what?, for what?" Yang said utterly confused.

"I don't know?" Blake said, just as confused.

"guys, let's just go, can't let Oz waiting for us" Jaune said.

"right, will you be fine for the time being while we're gone?" Ren said.

"don't worry guys, I'm just gonna unpack and stretch for a bit"

"okay, see ya later Baki" Jaune said while waving, followed by the others.

     I waved too, after they got out of eyeshot I entered team RWBY dorm and quickly unpack my things.

In Ozpin Office
3rd person POV

     Team RWBY and JNPR quickly made their way to Ozpin office, when they finally arrived, Ozpin greets them.

"hi kids, so how's the mission?" Ozpin asked to both teams.

"yes, turns out, that energy jump came from a human, a boy to be exact, that came from another planet called Earth" Blake quickly reports.

"hmm... interesting, so does he have a name?" Oz asked

"yeah, his name is Baki Hanma" Ruby answered for Oz.

"and his purpose to come here?" Oz ask again.

     At that, they just realized that nobody asked Baki his purpose to came to Remnant.

"we.. didn't asked him about that yet..." Pyrrha said, ashamed that such important question can be forgotten so easily.

"ah, no worries, I'll ask him myself later" Oz quickly said to reassure his students.

"but we do get to know about his world though" Yang said, stating that at least they got some information.

"oh really? what is his world like?" Ozpin asked his students, clearly curious.

"well for a start, humans in his world didn't have aura nor semblance, they relies on muscle power, martial arts, and weapons" Yang answers.

"and they didn't use dust for energy source, they use electricity, gas, or nuclear energy for their power supply" Weiss adds.

"and they can space travel!" Nora adds, still impressed that humans in Baki's world can afford space travel.

"oh! that's genuinely impressive!" Ozpin says, impressed.

"and I must say that the military in his world is way better than Atlas" Pyrrha adds again.

"oh, tell me about it" Oz says, intrigued.

The Ultimate Fighter On Remnant (Baki The Grappler X RWBY FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now