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Ancol Theme Park, SeaWorld, Indonesia.
Riku Hamada POV

     Me and Ken have made an appointment to meet this so called the second to the strongest creature in the world, the only problem is instead of meeting in a normal place like cafe or restaurant, Ken chose to meet up at a theme park! of all places he could pick!

me: "Sir Takamura, I have a question"

Ken: "what is it young man?" he said turning his head to me after a sight see of the SeaWorld exhibition.

me: "why SeaWorld? of all places you can pick?"

Ken: "because he's recently had been around here, that, and I thought a vacation could be nice" he said nonchalantly while looking at a Moray eel at the display.

me: "still, you can like what, pick a restaurant nearby instead of SeaWorld"

Ken: *sigh* "follow me"

     I obeyed and followed him to where ever he goes, then suddenly we arrived at a large room containing something I've never thought I see in my life.

     I obeyed and followed him to where ever he goes, then suddenly we arrived at a large room containing something I've never thought I see in my life

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     Inside the tank is a perfectly preserved megalodon corpse, of course it isn't alive because it'll give the owner of SeaWorld a bunch of troubles. But still, I've never seen a full-bodied megalodon as I've only seen the jaw fossil, to said I'm surprised would be an understatement.

me: "what is.. this??"

Ken: "four months ago.."

me: "huh?"

Ken: "an unidentified large life form was detected on South Chinese Sea"

me: "that life form is this megalodon.."

Ken: "yes, however the Indonesian government wanted to catch this thing, but they feared the possibility of completely destroying the life form, and when the hunting submarine is approaching the shark, it swam away"

me: "then how do they catch it? let alone the specimen is barely scratched like this?"

Ken: "they sent Daniel"

me: "what? you mean the government sent away one guy to hunt a prehistoric gigantic shark?"

Ken: "yes, they sent him with a tracking device to prevent something bad happens, the tracking device recorded that Daniel went down about 5000 metres to the sea, came back 10 minutes later to the ship, with the megalodon on his right hand, and two tunas in his left hand"

me: "let me guess, he just swum with normal trunks and the tracking device, no safety equipment, no oxygen tank, or anything?"

Ken: "absolutely"

me: "damn, where the hell did these people came from?"

???: "I came from my mother's womb, just like you"

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