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I open my eyes to a room, and it's dark, deathly dark, like in any second I could be shot from in front of my face and I would never know.

I try to move, but I can't. I'm tied to a chair with a gag over my mouth. I can't move. I feel like I can't breathe.

As I'm having a tiny panic attack while profusely hating myself, I hear a creak. I zone into the noise to find where it was.

Front, left

It sounds like a door creak, and that's just what I need.

Then I hear footsteps, echoing throughout the dark space. Then a bright light flashes through the room.

Fucking dick.

Y/c/n is standing about a foot away from me, with a smirk plastered on his face.

He looks just like Clay. I should've stayed with Clay, we could've killed him already. But here I am, tied to a chair with zero clue of where I am.

"Hello Miss Y/n, glad to know you're awake."
Y/c/n says

He walks towards me. I jerk my head back, not wanting him to touch me. Then suddenly I'm falling sideways.


I hit the ground with a loud thud. I mentally yell at myself for how stupid that was, now my shoulder fucking hurts. Yay. Y/c/n bends down in front of me.

"How's the view down there love," he try's not to laugh but fails, falling on the ground and laughing.

He sounds like a weasel.

He calms down a bit and lifts me off the ground, and taking off the gag.

"Where the hell am I!" I yell in his face.

"Calm down there love, I'm just having fun," he smirks.

"If you smirk, or call me love one more fucking time, I will choke slam you through the floor and have you rot in hell." I glare at him.

"Kinky." He smirks again.


I roll my eyes. This man is annoying.

"Wanna go somewhere love?"

"Untie me and I'll answer." I glare at him again.

"No." He smirks.

He grabs the gag again and puts it over my mouth.

"I didn't know a heavily trained assassin could be so easily caught."

He grabs a blindfold and puts it on my eyes, taking away my vision of my surroundings. Then I get hit in the head with something. Again.


I wake up to a sunlit room, with beautiful flower designs on the walls, and silky looking curtain flowing down over the window. I soon realize I'm in a bedroom. Weird.

I get up from the bed to go to the window.

I wonder where I am?

I reach the window and look outside

"Wow." I say in amazement.

The view is beautiful. Outside the grass is a beautiful green color, with beautiful tall trees coming up from the ground. A big fountain placed in the middle of the yard with water shooting high in the air before coming down in a misty way. Birds are chirping a soft but sweet tune as the sun shimmers over the area and through the window.

As I'm admiring the scenery the door behind me opens and a soft, sweet voice is heard.

"Miss Y/n? I was told to bring you some lunch."

I turn to see a girl, maybe 20s, in a maid outfit with a tray of delicious looking food in her hands.

"Oh, thank you."

"Of course Miss Y/n," she sets the food down on the table by the bed. "I hope you enjoy the food," she smiles then leaves.

I go towards the food with caution, it looks amazing but it could be poisoned. I pick up the tray and smell the food. It doesn't smell poisoned.

I pick up the fork and take a bite of the delicious looking food.

Damn, it tasted good

I sit on the bed and continue eating. I feel like I haven't ate for weeks.

As I'm eating I Here the door open yet again.

"Miss Y/n?? Master Y/c/n would like to see you."

"Tell that bastard I don't want to see him." I tell her while rolling my eyes.

"I would come Miss, he could get mad if you don't," she says in a kind of scared voice.

"I don't care, let him be mad. I'm. Not. Moving." I say, glaring at her.

"Ok Miss Y/n, just be prepared," she shuts the door as her footsteps recede down the hall.

I jump up and run back to the window to see if it'll open. I tug at the latch, and hear a click. It worked. I pull up the window, wind rushing through my hair. I look for a ledge to get on, and sure enough, there is one. Being an assassin has its perks.

I step out to get on the ledge then suddenly I'm pulled back into the room and thrown on the wall.
Y/c/n has my wrists, in his hands, on the wall.

"WHERE THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING!!" Y/c/n says, tightening his grip on my wrists.

"Escaping, obviously" I roll my eyes


"No one, that's what ESCaPInG is, dumbass"


Can he like not yell in my face, Jesus.

"Can you let go of my wrists now."

"Sure, love" he smirks.

He throws me on the ground.

"You fucking DICK!" I scream.

I run at him and jump on him, punching the hell out of him. Then suddenly he steps backward and I realize in pure shock we're falling.

We're falling out the window.

. . .

Hope you enjoyed that, and it wasn't to boring 😅😅
Love you all, remember to stay healthy❤️

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