V. Parents' Fault

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I enter in the detention room, lately, of course.
"Ah, miss Jones, you're late again... What a surprise!" The teacher says sarcastic. I think I have a name now..
"Don't be so hard on her, Mister." I look at Tyler who is saying that. "She's just nervous to be around me." He shows his body "Understandable." Do you now what I am doing now? Yes, roll my eyes.
"Actually no. I came earlier here, but I couldn't breathe. There's no room with Taylor's ego!" I say breathing heavy "Oh, no, not again!" Tyler looks at me bad for 67546 time. Yes!
"You know it's Tyler, everybody knows it, but you-" McCall starts coming closer to me.
"Okay, I can't with this parade even a second more!" The teacher says and stands up. "You two sit down and don't go anywhere." He walk out of the room and locks it "Actually, you can't even if you want to."
"Uhhh, do you see what you did?!" Tyler asks me angry.
"I?! It's not my fault that you are an ass who can cheat on girls, but can't lie!" I yell and he gets even more angry and comes even closer to me, ready to say something, but his phone rings.
"Hi, dad.... Yes... Yes, I'll... I told you, I'll do whatever you want... No, I'm not gonna let you down... Okay, bye." He looks down sad.
"Wow, so you're the big bad player at school, but you're scared by a teacher and your father? You're such a joke..." I say trying to open the door but Tyler turns me around grabbing my hands.
"And who the hell you think you are?" He asks me.
"The one who is telling you the truth in your face!" I release my hands from him and I am coming closer to him while he's moving away. "You're just gonna do everything what your daddy tells you while you're pretending to be something else here, in school." He touches the other wall of the room and I smirk.
"YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING!" he goes in the middle of the room. "DO YOU KNOW WHY AM I DOING EVERYTHING HE TELLS ME? - TO MAKE HIM PROUD AND NOT BEATING ME!" He yells and takes off his shirt. His back is full with scares and bruises. I gasp. "OH AND THAT'S NOT EVERYTHING." He pulls up his shorts. He has the same things on his legs and tears come from his eyes. I come closer to him.
"I am so sorry, Tyler." I hug him and he returns it. He needs this. Nobody deserves that. He puts his shirt again and we sit down. "Why he's doing this to you?"
"I don't know... he thinks that I am a disappointment and I will put down the family name.." Tyler answers looking down while I am looking at him.

" Tyler answers looking down while I am looking at him

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"Is he for real?" I ask and he nods. "What a dadass... And what about your mother? Does she knows about all that?"
"She... she never says anything.. she just watch, crying in the corner... I think she's even more scare than me... I understand her, I mean my father is a man with power. The worst thing he can do to me is to beat me, but to my mom who is not he's own blood... the things can get pretty serious.."
"Who is he?" He looks at me surprised that I don't know.
"Leon McCall." I look at him confused. I still don't who his father is. "He's a politician who has people for everything, loves money and that means is doing corruption... I am his legacy and he wants me to continue 'the family business', but I don't want that, Selena... I don't want to be like him..." Tyler covers his eyes. I can't believe that I see him that way and now I'm sorry about the way I treated him. He's not the person who I thought, in the good way.
"You won't be." I say and he looks at me. "You may wear the 'McCall' name, but it doesn't defined you who you are. You're nothing like him. You're a really good guy when you let people close to you, you're loyal to the people for who you really care, you're actually smart, but you use your brain for stupid things, just like your popularity. Trust me, you're extremely new McCall." We smile at each other. It's weird, I actually really enjoy our conversation. We stay in silent couple minutes when the door opens.

"You're still here? Good dogs! Now get out of here, your detention is over

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"You're still here? Good dogs! Now get out of here, your detention is over." The teacher says pointing at the door and we leave immediately. It's finally over!

"Hey, I'll appreciate if you don't tell anyone about our conversation today... not even to Veronica, I love her and I don't want to worry her.." Tyler asks me and I nod. If he wants that to be a secret, I'm okay. "Thank you, Selena. See you in monday." He says and start walking our.
"Actually tomorrow." He stops and turns back to me. "In front of you is the new wide receiver of Riverdale High!" He looks at me for seconds and then laughs.. for long time. I look at him serious and he stops.
"Wait, seriously? You?" He asks and I nod proudly. "And Mantle doesn’t mind at all?"
"Nope. He actually was the person because of who I came into the team. Aaand he told me that I'm better than most of the boys." I smirk at him.
"This boy will do anything to get you in the bed.."
"I don't think he repeats with the same girl." he looks at me surprised.
"Wha-what?! He?" Tyler asks jealousy and I nod. "Reggie Mantle?" I nod his face gets mad and I laugh.
"Are you crazy? Of course I didn't sleep with him! I don't want to have something with a player." I answer and he smiles. "Okay, I gotta go home. Bye." I wave at him and leave.

I go to my home where my brother and Archie are waiting for me.
"T-bag is back!" Baldie says.
"Please, Andrews, I am more like Fernando Sucre. So.. what did you find out?"
"Nothing. Absolutely nothing. They gave us to see their kids' yearbooks, teachers, friends, but nothing..." Jughead answers disappointed.
"Well, we get the pictures of them and their families, at least.." Archie says trying to cheer him up. "It’s not nothing." He gives me the photos and we go to my room where I put them. It will be easier that way to investigate.
"What? What you all could have in common? What?" Forsythe repeats thinking a and walking around the room while me and Baldie are lying on the bed.
"What's that noise from shoes? You are dancing or what?" My dad comes into my room and look at the wall with the photos. "From where do you have these pictures?" He asks.
"Why? You know these people, Mr. Jones?" Baldie asks him.
"Yes, we were going together every summer on the same camp. 'Campdale'. Oh, what memories we had.." my dad responds. My brother, my best friend and I look at each other smiling.

 My brother, my best friend and I look at each other smiling

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"We, the children, don't know this guy. Our parents knows him." I say. We finally have a real clue.

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