Skylanders: To be Hunted

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It was another warm, sunny day in the world of Skylands. It was another day to enjoy, or at least Glumshanks was hoping. Always he is forced to work like the slave-- ah, I mean...servant, that he is under Kaos' orders. Today Glumshanks made sure to get all his chores out of the way before begging Kaos for a day off. A break. Kaos thought about it for a moment before giving Glumshanks permission to take the day off.

Glumshanks hops from the ground in glee and excitement before taking off with an umbrella and his chair along with his pair of sunglasses and sun lotion for a nice day of relaxation on the beach. Yes, you read this sentence right. There is a beach here in Skylands.

Glumshanks enjoyed the day here. Once the sun began to soar down slowly, he realized how long he stayed on accident, and he decides to make his return to Kaos's home. In order to make it there, he has to cross the woods.

He sighs as he walks through the woods while carrying both his umbrella and chair. He had his sunglasses and sun lotion tucked away somewhere else out of sight. "What a nice day this was indeed. I wish Kaos however, would allow me to take more days off." Glumshanks smiled to himself at the thought of being able to have more free days like this one.

But as he walks through the woods he notices the sun had gone down long ago. No moon lit the sky. Barely any stars lit up the sky either. Glumshanks was lost in the woods in the realm of darkness.

"'s dark in the woods and I'm lost?!"

Yes, indeed Glumshanks. You are indeed lost. But no worries, I'm sure that you'll find a way out to return to your master, Kaos.

"Who are you? Who's speaking to me?!"

It is I, the narrator. This is a fanfiction. I'm merely telling this very true story to my fellow readers.

"Huh...okay, whatever you say."

Glumshanks begins to ignore my voice, or at least, tries to as he continues to walk down the cold and damp grass.

" never rained today? Why is the grass damp?"

Oh right, the grass is not damp because it rained. It is wet because a dogo Skylander peed there not so long ago.

"EW, are you serious?!" Shrieks Glumshanks in disguise as he hops away from the damp area he was originally walking. He now begins to consider to himself whether he should take another route back to his lord Kaos next time.

"H-Hey, quit reading my mind!" Glumshanks shouts in annoyance. But I am sorry to say, but Glumshanks, I cannot stop reading your thoughts, nor can I stop fortelling what happens to you nor what you are currently doing at the moment. I am the narrator to this book, therefore, it's my job to inform the readers of what you--

"Stop it!! God, your giving me a headache!" Glumshanks grabs his aching and sore head before continuing to walk down the grassy path through the woods. But little did he know, what danger and peril that would await him even deeper in these woods--

"H-Hold on...danger? Peril? What's waiting for me deeper in these woods? What are you hiding? What's waiting for me?!" Glumshanks shouts at the voice echoing out from the heavens that continues to speak mostly nonsense...which by the way, is me.

"I'm sorry Glumshanks, but I cannot tell you what is awaiting you deeper in these woods. If I did, I would be spoiling the readers the events to come. And the foreshadowing tool I just used would been all for naught.

"F-Foreshadowing?! What exactly are you foreshadowing?!"

"I cannot say. But if the readers took a good look at the story's cover, if the readers took the time to read the book's description, they might have a good idea of what is to come in this story."

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