What their family thinks of you~

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Here have a random photo of Jughead Jones, from riverdale ÙwÚ.


They think your a cute, little bundle of joy! They love you so much and think your the perfect match for Garroth.


His parents think your so kind, friendly and very talkative! They love the fact you make him smile, as they rarely see his smile.


Zianna (is that how you spell it?) and Garte think your a good influence on Zane. You make him happy and he isn't just being a cringy, emo kid on tik tok in his room any more.


His mother loves you! His dad thinks your using him for money. Aaron didn't like the way he was talking to you so he taught him a lesson. (By shouting at his father of course) Then Derek believed you didn't want his money and apologised and now he thinks your perfect for Aaron!


They like you.


His dad likes... Maybe a little too much...


They love you, but the only dislike is they you aren't a werewolf.


They think your amazing and very beautiful! ( Again looks don't matter, everyone is pretty ❤ ) They love the fact you make him very happy!


Word count: 213!

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