Chapter 6

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The week pasted uneventfully, G worked hard with Nell on improving his English. He spent every moment he was not with her practicing his letters and the words she had taught him. G had settled somewhat apprehensively into his new role, Hetty and Sam were relaxing as he was more accepting to the fact that he did not have to do everything and that he was no longer a slave.

He did miss his master still, but he liked the new people he had met, they gave him a feeling of warmth and they so far had not lifted a hand to punish him, as his master did on occasion.

Nell looked up as Hetty walked in the door with two men. Nell recognized one of the men as Director Vance, but even she didn't know the other man.

"Miss Jones." Vance said by way of greeting.

"Director Vance, Sir…" Nell started.

G stiffened at the word Sir, he knew Sir meant a master and this man seemed to be in authority, even Hetty seemed to defer to him as they entered the room.

He dropped his pencil and sat straight his eyes at the floor in submission, he wanted to drop to his knees but both Hetty and Sam had said that was wrong and that he should not do that anymore.

He shook slightly as Vance walked over and stood in front of him, "Is this the boy, Henrietta?" he asked.

Hetty moved to reassure G, but as Vance put a hand on his shoulder, he jumped and dropped to his knees.

"What the hell?" Vance said shocked.

"It's alright G, this is my boss from work Director Vance, and Tobias Fornell from the FBI in Washington, they have just come to meet you and talk to you." Hetty said in Romani to calm him down.

G lifted his head slightly to look for permission to rise and Hetty nodded.

"As you can see Leon, the boy is traumatized." Hetty watched as Nell walked over to G and guided him gently back to the table they had been working on.

"You should have turned him over to the authorities as soon as you found him." Fornell said, "We could still charge you for kidnapping, his stepfather put in a missing person's report the day he disappeared."

"I put my report in, he wasn't kidnapped, he turned up in the boatshed on the day of my wife's funeral. He asked for Hetty by name and handed her a letter."

"Do you have proof of that?" Fornell asked.

"I'm sure Eric will get you the proof from the camera's in the boat shed." Hetty said, "I assume G's word would not be enough for you."

"How on earth am I supposed to understand him from what you said he doesn't speak English?" Fornell snapped.

G looked up he was not sure what was going on but he knew that the two men were angry with Hetty and somehow it was his fault.

Nell had kept a steadying hand on his arm, but he shook her off and even though he was shaking he stood up and walked towards the men, "I English speak." He said. He turned to Hetty, "Tell them I can speak English if it means they won't hurt you."

"What did he say?" Tobias said, He looked apologetically at the boy who shuddered at the tone of his voice.

"He said, Agent Fornell; that I was to tell you that he can speak English if it meant you would not hurt me." Hetty said with pride in her voice at G's selfless act.

"Does he understand enough for us to ask him some questions?" Vance asked.

Hetty nodded, "I will translate if you wish if he gets stuck."

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