Chapter 18

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M. Allison Hart had closed her office early, she had heard that Yoska Comescu had broken out of prison and she felt for that kid he had been trying to find she really did.

In fact, she had asked about him after the trial, she had believed that Yoska was what he appeared to be a stepfather who had lost the child he had loved. The scene in the courtroom she had been convinced had been a travesty, NCIS poking its nose in as usual where it was not wanted.

She had looked up Callen Hanna over the years watching as he went through college and FLETC eventually joining NCIS. It had taken her a while, but she had found out where he was posted thanks to a 'romance' with a new Agent who was quite willing to give her information. It had not been until her last visit to Yoska when she had handed over the information on where his son was that his demeanor had changed.

Yoska had sat in the conference room, such as it was, waiting for his lawyer to visit.

"So do you have what I need?" he asked his face impassive.

M. Allison Hart took a file out of her briefcase, "I do, I finally got it." She placed the file with pictures on the desk.

Yoska opened the file looking at how much his boy had grown; he had a dog and was out running in one picture. In another, he was doing an assault course. "Where is he?" he asked.

"He's been moved back to Los Angeles, he is a federal Agent, and he joined NCIS and is part of their special projects division. He goes by Agent G. Callen."

At that Yoska's mask snapped, "I knew he missed me, he was mine and will be again," he stroked the picture of Callen lovingly, "I will come for you boy and you will scream for me again."

She took a step back at that, "You…you want to hurt him?" she asked.

Yoska smiled, "Of course woman, that's the best part, breaking him and watching him cry."

"You'll never get out of here, I'm reporting this." She said knowing she would lose her practice for breaking client confidentiality but she didn't care, not for this.

"You are fired as my lawyer, you were useless anyway…you put me in here for years and took so long in finding the information I needed. It is lucky for you that I am a patient man." He smiled evilly, "Or maybe it is unlucky for you…for when I am out you too will pay for failing me."

She picked up her papers and briefcase, "Well, Mr. Comescu, it is lucky for me then that you will never be getting out of here." She snapped motioning for the guard to open the door.

Yoska stood and turned to her as the guard came to unshackle him, "Never say never Miss Hart."

Now she was shutting up shop and getting the 'hell outta dodge'.

She had been informed that Yoska had managed to escape a federal prison and the FBI were looking for him. He by extension would be looking for her and she would rather not be here if he turned up. She had packed a suitcase and told her building manager that she was going on an extended vacation; she was just awaiting her taxi to the airport. Mexico seemed lovely this time of year.

She walked to where she had told the taxi to meet her carrying her suitcase as a voice in the shadows stopped her.

"Going somewhere Miss Hart?"

Her blood drained from her face and by the time she had mustered up the courage to scream all that was left of her ever being there was a single solitary shoe on the sidewalk.

Callen turned to the woman in the dark, from her voice he knew he had met her before, he was worried that she had worked for the master before and was there to hurt him.

Blood Feud.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя