Chapter 24

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He walked in the house and sat next to the doctor who took out his kit to check him over, "I'm fine doc." Cal insisted brushing him away.

"I will still need to check the welts on your back." Dr. Dansk insisted.

"Can we eat first I'm starving." Callen asked and relaxed as the doctor nodded.

Gibbs came in and put the pizzas on the kitchen table.

"Ya dad has gone with DiNozzo to book Ray…Radu? Into custody." He said as Callen nodded.

"Yeah his name is Radu Comescu, he was Yoska's brother." Callen looked sad and grabbed a slice of pizza absently picking at the topping, "Ya know, Allie was nice…in her own way, she didn't know that he was a Comescu, she just liked him, she told me about Ray, she thought maybe they could have had a life together. She had no idea she was being used." He grabbed a soda Nell put down beside him and took a sip.

Gibbs sat and ate a slice as well wondering how much Callen was ready to hear.

"I had a call from Nate, his plane landed an hour ago and he's going to freshen up and then come over."

"Cool I haven't seen him in ages, but honestly Gibbs, I'm ok." Callen said looking away.

He ate another slice of pizza, "I really am gonna be fine Gibbs, I'll just get Nate to clear me and then I'll go back to work."

Gibbs sighed, "I was thinking of taking you back to D.C with me, I've built a new boat, and I thought you could help me sail it back to Los Angeles."

"Why? It'll be too far away for you to use." Callen said

Gibbs smiled, "That's ok, it's not for me, it's for you…maybe for me to stay on when I'm in town, but I know you liked sailing with Hetty, but the Jackson is not as big, but it is yours."

"Mine?" Callen looked dumbstruck.

Gibbs laughed, "That boat we've been building when you come over for vacations, that's it, it's finished, you worked for her son, she belongs to you as much as me, it was meant to be a 21st birthday present but we didn't get it finished in time."

"Really? God…Gibbs that's awesome!" Callen grinned.

"So you wanna come back with me, I know that Tony would be glad of the company on the flight back, someone to talk movies with,"

"I dunno, I'd have to see what Nate and Dad said, I'm still on my one year probation, I know he said that Director McGee still wants me to have a job, but…I don't want everyone to think that because Sam is my dad, I'm playing on it to get extra time off, I wanna be known to be there on my own merit."

"No one thinks you're using your dad to get a spot on the team," Gibbs replied as the door opened and Tony, Ellie and Sam walked in.

"He all squared away?" Gibbs asked, not referring to Ray or Radu by name.

"Yeah…God Boss, how did I never notice how much of a pain in the ass he was." Tony sighed as he opened the pizza boxes looking for…"Ahh Callen, you are a legend. Sausage, cheese and pepperoni, a God amongst men you are," he grinned taking two slices and inhaling the first one.

He sat heavily on the chair next to Callen and grabbed a soda, "I so need this." He sighed.

Gibbs grinned, "Hey Cal, you thought about maybe transferring to D.C. I hear DiNozzo has a spot on his team."

Callen screwed up his face, "No…sorry Tony, but I like Los Angeles, D.C. is too cold. Besides Buddy likes the beach too much."

Tony gave an exaggerated sigh, "Back to Probie hunting I suppose, it's not fair Sam you get all best agents."

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