Chapter 3

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By the time Sarah pulled into the school parking lot it was full. And had to park in the back by the dumpsters. With backpack over her shoulder she slammed the door to her little black Kia and raced for the main entrance.
In her haste she didn't notice a horde of flyers flapping under the windshield wipers of the other cars. Through the main doors and up the stairs she flew till she reached her locker. That's when, for the first time, she noticed a flyer folded in half stuck in the side of the door.
With a huff, she blew a few stray hairs out from her face, as she read the notice;
'Attention students of Gables Secondary School. This notice is to inform you that flu vaccinations are available for this years flu season. A kiosk will be set up at the main entrance of the school. And will be available for students before school, during lunch hour, and after school for the rest of the week.'

May health be with you,

Gables Health Clinic

Yeah, I don't think so! Sarah crumpled the flyer and chucked it into the garbage can. Then she grabbed her sketch book and locked her locker. Art careers class was to start in a couple minutes when a hard yank on her ponytail jerked her head backwards.
"Hey, Miss Red! A word?"
She spun to find herself face to face with her nemesis, Jennifer Duncan. Painted, puffy-pink lips worked up into sneer with that familiar, I know it all, expression.
"Don't start with me Miss Bleach!" Sarah snapped. "I don't have time for your crap!"
Jenny feigned ignorance, her painted nails tapping along her smart white, boatneck blouse the other holding a sheet of paper.
"I didn't realize I had such an affect on you little Sarah. Such strong emotions!" she said batting her black-rimmed baby blues. As much as Sarah hated to admit it, Jenny was gorgeous. The problem, was that she knew, and flaunted it. And that was ugly!
"But that's beside the point. It's tomorrow that's important."
Curiosity stole Sarah's attention, What's happening tomorrow? Other than mandatory flu shots, she thought. But the look on Sarah's face provoked Jenny once again, "I heard you need a little. . . encouragement. My aunt Inger told me you're afraid of a little ol' needle." She swept the length of her wavy locks over a shoulder, her intense eyes hungered for a reaction. With a flick of the wrist Jennifer handed her another vile flyer. Sarah glared at the offence.
So that was Jenny's aunt! The receptionist at the Medical Clinic. Sarah burst out laughing.
"Well," she said, slapping the flyer against Jenny's chest, "you can get pricked for the both of us!"
The notice flitted to the floor and Jenny stormed away. For the first time in the day Sarah felt great!

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