Chapter 4

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Mr. Ander's class was a blur. Instead of finishing math problems, Sarah eyed little sketches of wrens and finches flying across her algebra paper. The only words that fluttered through her mind were, flu shot. Why was everyone on her about it? What did it matter? But then the bell buzzed and she broke free from her daze. After scooping up her books, she kept her head down and slunk out the back door and to her locker.
She wasn't wasting anytime she grabbed her books, locked her locker with her backpack slumped over her shoulder and darted toward the heavy metal door. "Sarah!" She waked faster. "Sarah! What's the rush?" She spun and feigned a poorly disguised smile. Sarah couldn't get out of school fast enough and motored to her car as quick as possible. But not before she saw a herd of kids corralled and waiting for their flu shots.
Of course, there sat Jenny Duncan in proud glory casting invisible daggers at Sarah. You'd think she was there for a good cause, like donating blood.
She can get pricked all she wants, Sarah thought. Though in a rush she couldn't help herself and strode over to the strapped up blonde.
"Make sure you double up on the dosage," Sarah quickly glanced at the name tag, "Nurse Fleming. She likes to get pricked." As Sarah turned sharply away she heard Jenny choke on a comeback. And once again, she felt a surge of glory as she hurried off to her car.
Once inside, she cranked up the tunes and burned out the parking lot heading strait for Save–On–Grocer. After rummaging through the rubble (better known as math homework) of her backpack, she finally found her wallet, and raced into the store.
It only took a few moments to find what she was looking for when a deep, silky voice stopped her in mid stride.
"Sarah?" he asked.
Sarah took a slow, deep breath. She recognized that voice, she pivoted gracefully upon her heel. Her intuition was right. And a spark of excitement chilled the nape of her neck, and stopped her breath. It was him.
There stood Michael Klay, and he was looking at her. She discovered rather abruptly that she had forgotten to breathe and took a sharp breath.
"Hey!" It appeared she'd forgotten how to speak as well, for that was all that came to mind. Then she noticed a folded sheet of paper sticking out from of his pocket.
She pointed to his pocket, "um, did you get your shots?"
Michael cast a quick glance towards the paper, "I almost forgot it was there. Found it on the windshield." Then drew his fingers through his damp dark hair. "Nah, why would I? I'm not old," he said with a shrug.
Something sparked within Sarah, it was passion and Michael had strummed the cord. And suddenly she found her voice.
"I know right! Everyone has been so damn pushy about it. Lately I've been feeling like I'm in a bad movie. Every turn I make someone is grilling me about the flu shot!" Her hands waved around passionately, emphasizing every syllable. Then decided to take a breath.
"So, grocery shopping?" Making small talk with a hot guy always intimidated Sarah, and biting her bottom lip was a sure sign of nervousness. Maybe he wouldn't notice?, she hoped.
"Nah," he glanced toward the pharmacy, "here to pick up a prescription for my mom." His sleepy green eyes twinkled and a quirk of a smile played at the corners of his full lips. Definitely kissable, she thought. And she knew her eyes lingered just a little too long, quickly averting them toward the dairy section. Just had to grab some eggs.
"Well, I better finish up. Gotta get home."
"I'll see ya 'round then?"
Absolutely! "Sure," she said as casual as possible. Just as she turned to walk away someone cried out. A man.
She spun to see Michael run toward the pharmacy. That's when she decided the eggs could wait. And she ran, basket thumping against her thigh.

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