volleyball bitch.

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Hey guys. I have a story to break out, it's going to be really long rant. so I'm sorry but this is what you here for isn't it?

So, in gym yesterday we were playing volleyball. So there's four initial teams team 1, 2, 3 and 4. My team is team one, my team is a pretty good because most of us are actually volleyball prayers and we versed team 4 which is full of skanks or Yoko Ono's so yeah.

So we were playing against each other and team four doesn't know what rules are on the court of volleyball so they kept arguing with our team. Our team had enough with it especially me because they've been building it up, annoying me by kicking the volleyball over the net and injuring one of my teammates and then they yelling at my team to hurry up and hit the ball which got me more upset.

So my friend Danica was about to hit the ball and then this dumbass decides to yell "hurry up" which she was the one that was basically yelling and insulting our team the whole time by the way. So I told her to "shut the hell up." and she starts yelling at me "look at you what's up look at you look at your hair what's up with you look how you dress" so I got really pissed off so I snapped at her and started yelling at her back and then she got all up in my face and then I told her "touch me I swear to God I'll kick your ass" and then she was like okay try me so but before anything could happen my teacher ran over and asked us "what's up what's going on what's happening" so I told him that she's insulting our team and then and cursing at our team and she's like no I didn't curse so I get more mad and my teacher and my friend are trying to calm me down.

So the teacher said "have you guys had any past altercation like this" so I said no, she said no "do you guys have a problem with each other personally" we both said no he said "are you guys friends?" I scoffed and said no and she just looked at me and tried to intimidate me. So I was like try me bitch." he said okay go back on the court play.

I take volleyball seriously. I love volleyball. volleyball is my favorite sport. I play volleyball. I'm on the volleyball team. I respect volleyball. so when someone comes on the court and disrespects my team and me I'm going to get upset. But the team that we played against sucked anyway because they can't play so we won.

Man I can't tell you how ready I was to fight her like I want see use my new-found self-defense skills that I learn from the Taekwondo classes that I take 3 times a week.

I'm usually a very mellow person but that day I was just done.

I was the topic of school yesterday like it was really stupid.

I'm really sorry for this.

My ghetto came out that day and I was really ashamed.

Anyway I love you guys. I'll see you guys next time when I'm not ranting about bull crap like this.

I just noticed this was the 39th chapter.


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