Chapter 4

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Sky's POV (Friday evening, 8:21pm)

"Ok then. Please tell me everything."

"So her name is really Eliza. Eliza Clarke."

"Did she used to go to Park Vale?"

"Yes. She was expelled because she was violent and broke many rules."

"So why is she scaring you?"

"Because she thinks I took her place in the school. She wants me to leave so she can come back."

"Why can't she go to another school?"

"No other schools will accept her because of her violent behaviour."

"Oh. What do you plan to do?"

"I can't confront her. She might hurt me. Maybe call the police?"

"If you do that, you'll need to make sure she's in an area where the police can jump out and arrest her."

"I'll meet her by the lockers. You can talk to Mr. Chandra about getting the police in the school, if you don't mind?"

"I'll have a word with him."

"Thank you."

I decided to ask Alice if she knew Eliza. I phoned her.


"Hi Alice, it's Sky."

"Hi Sky! You ok?"

"Yeah. I know who Riley really is."

"Omg tell me! Who?"

"Eliza Clarke. Do you know her?"

"Eliza's back?! OMG... THAT'S who you're dealing with?"

"Alice, what's wrong? Who is she?"

"A dangerous girl. She's dangerously violent. She was my friend, but not my bff. She hurt a lot of people."

"Oh god... what's she gonna do to me?"

"I have no idea. Tell someone immediately. Warn everyone. Eliza's back."

"My Mum knows. She's going to talk to Mr. Chandra about it."

"Ok. I got to go now, but I do hope this will get sorted. If not... you're screwed."

"Bye Alice."

"Bye Sky."

Then she hung up. I was worried. Eliza wanted to kill me.

Then I thought, maybe she just has mental issues? If that's the reason, I do hope she gets the help she needs.

It's not normal for a 13 year old girl to threaten others with knifes.

That night, I had a horrible dream.

I was all alone. I was at school. No one else was around. I was walking around, trying to find somebody.

I felt a hand grab me and pull me into a room. It was Riley, or rather, Eliza.

"Riley?! What do you want?!"

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