Chapter 18

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On the back of Bishop's bike, Roxy cleared her head and tried to practice what she'd say when she got the clubhouse but her mind was too loud. When they pulled onto the lot Roxy immediately began to cry tiny, silent tears. She hadn't been there in years but the time and distance did nothing to numb her feelings.

"You good, preciosa?" Bishop asked as she climbed off his bike.

Roxy nodded. "I mean, as good as I can be," she shrugged. "You guys don't have to come in," she said looking at Bishop and Tranq.

"We're coming in," Tranq said authoritatively. "He almost choked you out, Rox," he reminded her.

Her body visibly relaxed as Bishop put his arm around her. "You were wrong and you're an idiot but we're not going to let anything happen to you."

Roxy felt fresh tears burn her eyes. "I've had too many father figures in my life but I think you're the best."

"Don't put that pressure on me," he chuckled. "You know what you're going to say?"

"Not really," she shrugged, pulling open the door to the clubhouse, "But I'll figure it out."

As expected, the Sons were all gathered in chapel but as soon as the Mayans rolled up they knew about it. By the time Roxy, Bishop and Tranq walked in the Sons were moving out into the bar area.

"Can we talk?" Roxy asked Happy, ignoring everyone else.

Happy nodded and gestured toward the hall. With a quick look back at Bishop and Tranq, Roxy followed as Happy headed toward the apartment.

"We're just here for her," Bishop told Chibs. "We got no issue with SAMCRO."

Chibs nodded and shook Bishop's hand, "Aye, I think she's our problem too."

Neither Happy nor Roxy spoke until the apartment door shut. She was the first to attempt to start the conversation.

"Is it bad?" She asked, pointing to his arm.

Happy shrugged. "Had worse."

"I'm sorry."

"Are you?" He asked her skeptically.

She huffed. "I mean, I am but I'm not."

"Yeah, I thought so. Same arm as your brother's." Happy told her, showing her the scar from when Jax shot him two years before.

Swallowing hard, she nodded. "I know you don't care and you're not looking for forgiveness but I will never forgive you for killing Esai and especially for not telling me."

"I figured," he said. Happy didn't tell her she was right about forgiveness, it would only hurt her. "We're good in my book, kid."

Roxy scoffed, "Shocking. I tried to kill you and you're cool with it?"

"You were right," he shrugged. "It's what we do. Fuck, Jax killed Gem because of Tara."

"Don't remind me," she huffed. "I'm not okay with this," Roxy showed him the bruises along her neck.

"You shot me."

"You didn't need to do that," she snapped.

"If you were anyone else you'd be dead right now," he said angrily. "Don't play with me."

Her body tensed but she didn't go back knowing he was right, she was lucky to be alive. "Sons and Mayans? They good?"

Happy nodded. "We talked about it, no point ruining that over a problem we created."

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