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The Tvs dim light lit up Alexia's form as she watched the newest episode of Kim Kardash.

"OH MY GOD OMG KIM THAT WASNT FLOWER YOU PUT IN THE CAKE!!!!" Kourtney screamed. She then took the ruined cake out of Kim's arms and smashed it into the sink. Turning the water on, the cake started to get soggy and sink into the depths of the garbage despoil.

"NOOOOOO!!! HERBERT!!" Kim rushed over to the sink as she saw her beautiful Herbert, the cake, slowly turn into slush and slide down the drain. Kim turned toward the camera as her mascara ran down her face. She scrunched up her face and sobbed.

"Holy shit!!" Alexia rolled on the ground laughing her booty off. Tears threatened to pour she laughed so hard. "i...cant breathhhhheee oh my gosh." She almost pissed herself laughing.

Suddenly, the door bell rang. Alexia sparing up. She patted down her ruffled hair and walked to the door. "I'm coming!" She called.

She then opened the door to reveal her best friend, Audrey. "Hey Kat! I was around here and decided to visit."

Audrey wore her legendary jacket and a Arctic Monkeys band tee with black skinny jeans. "So wanna hang out?"

"I thought you were hanging out with Erica?" Alexia questioned. She was wearing skinny jeans and a faded k-pop shirt.

"Well I thought nah and canceled. because I'm like that...anyywayyy my offer still stands." Audrey shifted her gaze to look into the room past Alexia. She saw heaps of unwashed clothes and dirty dishes. "Dude what the fuck? Don't you guys clean...."

"Gillian went on a hunting trip for a few days and hasn't been back yet."

Alexia replied with compete seriousness.

"Whoa....thats...hardcore dude. chill. What happened?"

"She left to go visit Rebecca up in South Carolina."

"Their still dating?"



"I know right. Anyway wanna go to Starbucks? We can walk there." Alexia said, putting on her jacket since it was a bit chilly outside.

"Ok sounds cool, I have $33 bucks so I'll buy our stuff. Oh we should invite Cassie an Hailey too! You guys should meet Cassie anyway. She's cool." Audrey started waking to the Starbucks beside Alexia. She pulled out her phone and sent a text to Hailey and Cassie. "Sent em a text so.."

"Who's Cassie?" Alexia asked as she checked her messages.

"My new roommate, Since the other was a total bitch to me."

"Oh you mean Angie? She stole my socks!! my freaking socks...."

Audrey laughed and nodded. "yeah she was weird. And I had to always pay the dang rent too."

By then they had arrived at Starbucks. Cassie was waiting there for them but Hailey had not yet arrived. Cassie's dark brown hair was really messy. it looked like she hadn't brushed it. Her dark blue eyes were puffy and red and there were tear trails down her checks. She was bunched up in her white sweater that said 'Angel' on it with wings on the back and a pair of light blue jeans.

"Cassie! What happened to you??" Audrey rushed over to her and checked to see if she was hurt.

"It''s my ex...hes back." Cassie tried to conceal her tears by looking away but the girls saw them anyway.

"Oh crap...cassie we will protect you don't worry! He won't even look your way!" Alexia exclaimed, trying to comfort Cassie and calm her down.

"T-thanks guys...and you are Alexia r-right?" By now Cassie had calmed a bit down listening to the girls.

"You can call me Kat! And trust me....we will keep him away from you." Kat smiled and took Cassie's hand.

"Now let's get some starbucks!" Audrey cheered the other girls up."dont worry, I'll pay!"

They pushed open the door to Starbucks, all wearing smiles and laughing.

-----------------------end for now------


For Alexia, because I told you I would.

A Nicki Minaj love storyWhere stories live. Discover now