Chapter 4

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The next morning, Jacob awoke slowly to the sound of sweet sound of silence pleasantly filling his head. Silence was always one of his favourite things. It gave him a comforting and secure feeling, like nothing in the world would ever dare to bother him. It was just him and his floating thoughts—if he even bothered to let his mind wander. Sometimes thinking of nothing felt better.

Letting his body wake up, Jacob shuffled slightly, feeling something pressed against his ear. Lifting his head, he took a moment to notice he was sleeping on Jace's shoulder. Part of him was relieved Jace was still asleep and didn't know it would've been kinda weird, in his opinion but he also felt like Jacob honestly wouldn't really give a damn. Jacob pulled his legs down from the coffee table in front of him and sat up, throwing his arms in the air and stretching his back with a yawn. Settling back down, his eyes shifted to the familiar dark-haired guy who was sitting in the chair diagonal from the couch—staring right at him.

"Uh..." was all Jacob managed to croak out tiredly. Was he watching him sleep...? Really, the thought of that should creep Jacob out, but he surprisingly didn't mind too much.

"About time someone woke up," Ace rolled his eyes, agitated. "Almost thought you were dead."

"It almost feels like I am..." Jacob replied, truthfully. "This still doesn't feel real to me."

He stood up. "It is. I'd recommend just going with whatever happens. Trust me, it helps."

Jacob nodded as he felt Jace shuffle beside him. He sat up beside Jacob, rubbing his tired, pouty face. It was pretty adorable if Jacob had to say so himself.

"Now you," Ace pointed to Jace. "I would've been fine if you didn't wake up."

Jace only responded with a low and sleepy giggle, seeming completely unfazed by 's insult. He stood up with a large stretch and Jacob followed by doing the same. Ace turned his finger to Jacob.

"Before we go, though, you definitely need to change your clothes. You don't blend in."

He began walking out of the room, so Jacob followed along, assuming he was supposed to. "Why?"

"For starters, it's dangerous," he began as he turned the corner and jogged up the spiral stairs. "It's sort of like people and aliens on Earth. Scientists see an alien, they want to capture it. Here, it's kind of the same way."

Jacob raised an eyebrow. "What are you saying, I'm an alien?"

"Sure." They reached the second floor and walked into a bedroom, Ace making his way to a large, antique wooden, wardrobe. He swung the doors open and began rummaging through. "You'll drag unwanted attention to us. We're going to one of the most dangerous, most powerful and risky places alive. We don't need that."

He pulled out a shirt and handed it to him. Jacob looked from the shirt to him, noticing that it was obviously his. "You can tie and adjust if the clothes are too big," Ace said, pulling out a black, leather jacket.

"I'm basically the same size as you, what are you talking about?" Jacob questioned.

"What? You're definitely smaller than me."

"What? I'm, like 183cm," Jacob. "I'm not small. Plus, I have abs. And these." Jacob flexed his biceps.

"What the hell are you doing? And why are you telling me—you know what, never mind," he handed Jacob the jacket. "Put this on, too, you'll need it for protection."

"Protection? From what?"

Ace closed the wardrobe and reached on top of it, pulling down a thick belt that looked like it was probably for holding weapons. He piled all the things in Jacob's arms and Jacob stared at him, waiting for an answer.

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