Chapter 6

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The king's eyes widened slightly in surprise, and the prince sat up in his seat, obviously intrigued. "Oh...? Alright. Leave us to speak, then."

The guard nodded quickly before scurrying his way out of the room. He shut the doors behind him, leaving a large, echoing bang behind as Jacob stood nervously, fidgeting with his hands behind his back. The room stayed painfully quiet for a moment, making Jacob wonder if he should be the one to speak first. But what was he supposed to say...?

"Uh...hi," he said, a little too quietly, making him raise his voice a bit. "Y-your majesty. I'm Gabriel." He added quickly with a bow.

"Ah, Gabriel. Hello," the king replied strongly. "You're...from Earth, you say?"

He nodded. "Yea—uh, yes sir. I... came to talk to you about getting back home."

"How did you end up here to begin with?" he questioned. "No ordinary person should have access to another dimension in the first place."

"Oh. Well, there was a mirror in the middle of the woods, and, fell through it by accident..." Jacob mentally slapped himself for how stupid he made it sound. Of course, it was the truth, but...

"Just...lying in the woods?" his deep voice questioned, stroking his thick beard in thought. "Hm..."

Jacob nodded again. "I know that I'm supposed to find a gem to activate a portal and everything, but I was wondering if you had the map to lend me so I could get there."

He raised his eyebrows, baffled by the request. "The Enchanted Forest? You want to go there?"

Jacob looked at him, slightly confused. That was the only option, right? Wouldn't he know that? So why would he ask him if he wanted to go? "Well, yes...I have to, don't I?"

" don't have to," he explained. "Although, charging the portal for use will take a few months. The magnetite is only used to charge it instantly, for it contains massive amounts of energy."

He really didn't have a choice, huh...

Jacob let out a small laugh, rubbing his arm. "In that case, I think I'll just get the magnetite."

The king stood up and began walking towards him. "Are you positive? This will be a perilous, dangerous journey, especially for a mortal with no companions."

"I've made a few friends since I fell...I'm sure I won't be alone," he assured the king. He wasn't sure if he should mention Jace or not, considering he has some kind of bad reputation with people in the castle. Jacob continued, "Besides, I couldn't wait months. I don't really fit in here."

The king stopped a few meters away from Jacob, allowing him to get a good look at the royal. His eyes reflected kindness and loyalty, and Jacob could tell he was probably a good king. "If you're absolutely certain this journey is what you wish to venture on, I'll allow you to have a copy of the map. But just remember...I can guarantee some help, but I cannot guarantee your return."

"What?" Jacob's stomach tightened. What did he mean by 'not guaranteeing his return'? Was that supposed to mean he could die out there??

"This is a dangerous journey. Not only along the way will you face many obstacles, but the Forest itself is filled with deadly creatures you're unfamiliar with. And I suppose you don't know how to fight..."

Jacob shook his head, unable to find words. The king went on, "Well, if this is still what you want, just say so and I'll lend you a map."

He contemplated. Should he go? Maybe he could just stay with Jace and Ace for a few months until the magnetite had charged...maybe it wouldn't be so bad. Or maybe the journey wouldn't be as bad as the king was making it out to be. Maybe he was exaggerating and trying to scare Jacob for the sake of an Earthling's safety.

Jacob's mind buzzed with all the choices he could make at the moment. But the most important choice at that moment was: certain life or uncertain death? Everyone he'd met had told him themselves that there were creatures here that he'd never imagine existing, and if he went on this journey, there was a possibility he could be torn to shreds. But he needed to get home. Even as bland and boring as it was back home, Jacob wouldn't last in Arcanis for months...not with the unfamiliar lifestyle.

Jacob took one last deep, shaky breath before straightening his back, making himself as tall as he could. "I'll take the map. I'm ready."

Jacob was guided back outside the castle after the king had given him the map. It was a straightforward process; it only took minutes for him to summon someone with the map. He took it in his hands and looked at it for a long moment—that was the key home. Rubbing his thumb over the smooth, folded up the paper, he gave it one last look before slipping it into his back pocket. Letting out a huff, Jacob hoped to breathe out all the pressure that'd been piling on.

Through the front gate, his eyes landed on the familiar faces of Ace and Jace who were patiently waiting for his return. To Jacob's surprise, they actually weren't arguing but just silently minding their own business. Jace had made his way to the ground, contently fiddling with some small flowers in his hands. Ace stood beside him, crossing his arms as usual as he stared off at nothing in particular.

The gate doors lifted once again, the echoing creak of the steel catching the attention of Ace and Jace. As Jacob to exited the castle grounds, Jace pulled himself off the ground, brushing himself off. He quickly walked over to them with a relieved sigh accompanied by a proud smile.

"So?" Jace looked at Jacob with anticipation. "How'd it go?"

Jacob pulled the map out of his back pocket with a smile, holding it in the air. "Got it."

Jace jumped in the air with an exaggerated holler of victory and Ace arched his eyebrows in surprise. "Wow, you actually did it?"

Jacob handed the map to Ace with a pleased grin. "You didn't really doubt me, did you?"

"If you want me to be honest," he shrugged. "yes."

Jacob rolled his eyes lightly as Jace spun him around by the shoulders so the two were face to face. The flowers he had been fiddling with were tied together to form a perfect little necklace which he put around Jacob's neck with a smile. "Ta-da!"

Jacob looked down at the tied flowers, responding with an amused laugh. "They're pretty. Thanks, Jace."

He giggled, glad that Jacob appreciated the gift. The both of them turned to Ace. "What now?"

"Now," Ace took off, making his way down the never-ending stairs back to the kingdom. "Let's get our equipment together."

Following Ace without hesitation, Jason and Jacob were lead through a small area on one of the less busy streets. To Jacob, it felt like some dark alley you'd hear about someone getting robbed on or something. There weren't many people on that street, but the few people Jacob did see were mainly older sketchy people that glare at them when they walked by. That place certainly kept him on edge...and it was obvious as to why it wasn't very busy.

Turning onto another street that was much brighter, but still quite empty, Ace lead them to a slightly run-down wooden building on the corner of the road. Pushing past the through the light screen door, Ace made his way inside. Following close behind, Jace pushed through, then Jacob, letting the screen door close behind him. Inside the small shop was nothing but shelves filled with a large variety of weapons (only physical combat weapons, as expected), leather armour, and other battlements.

Ace made his way to the front desk where a short and plump old man stood, doing something behind the desk. He looked up as Ace spoke. "Hey. I need that load now."

The man raised his eyebrows, obviously caught off guard. "You're going? Now??"

Ace nodded briefly and the man let out a large, proud laugh of disbelief. "I can't believe it! My boy's doing it! He's finally going!"

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