Chapter 9

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It was obvious he was only trying to scare Mateus out of the plan, but honestly, it was just scaring Jacob. Mateus didn't seem even remotely fazed.

"I'm going, Cole," Mateus said firmly. "I told you a long time ago that when the chance came, I was taking it. Now it's here and I'd like you to support me."

Cole hesitated. "You want me to risk my job, your reputation, as well as your life for this? You do realize your parents will very soon realize how 'prevalent' you are around the castle."

"I understand. But I've already agreed to help them on their journey and I'm determined to do just that."

Cole examined Mateus's expression. Mateus stood as tall as he could, keeping a straight face to let Cole know he was serious. Jacob could definitely tell that when Mateus wanted something, he wouldn't stop at anything until he got whatever that was. It was admirable, in his opinion. Slowly giving in, Cole let out a sigh of defeat.

"Fine," he said, beginning to unlock Ace's cell. "But I'm coming along."

"Excuse me?" Ace immediately replied.

"Ayyy!" Jace exclaimed. "The more the merrier (am I right Jacob?)!"

"Really?" Mateus's round eyes went wide. "You're coming too?"

"Well, I can't just let you go out there and die. I'm your protector and it's my job to protect you."

Mateus dropped his serious look and smiled genuinely at the knight. It was obvious to everyone else in the room could tell that the two had a strong parent-child type relationship—it was cute.

Cole finished unlocking all of the cells and lead the four boys out of the dungeons. They arrived back onto the streets where everything went on the same as before. It was almost like there wasn't a major thief chase including an Earthling and a prince. Cole turned to Jacob, holding his hand out. "The map?"

Jacob looked to Ace as he tapped his pocket. "Right here. And I'm perfectly capable of leading the way, thanks."

Cole simply shrugged and gestured for him to move along. It was pretty obvious that Ace was pissed off about not having any say in the new members, but what else was Jacob supposed to do? He didn't seem like a people person in the first place, especially around Jace, but he didn't really expect that the three of them alone could survive the trip alone, did he?

It didn't matter anymore. Mateus and Cole stood firmly by their side, and no one was changing their mind. And with that they continued forward, making their way out of the kingdom and into the true beginning of their journey.

By sunset, Jacob's meters ached to the point to where he thought they were practically going to fall off. They'd been walking non-stop for hours, straight out of the kingdom and into the mystical woodlands. Ace and Cole remained stuck in the front, silently competing for leadership while the rest followed behind. Everyone else seemed fine, but Jacob was oh-so-obviously huffing and puffing, trying his hardest to keep up. The fact that they were walking up a hill certainly didn't help.

"Hey, you alright there?" Cole called from over his shoulder.

Jacob looked up, flashing a small smile, attempting to hide his exhaustion. "Yup. Fine."

Unconvinced, he glanced at the dusk sky then towards Cole and Ace. "Cole! It's getting dark, don't you think we should call it a day?"

"Our goal tonight is to reach the top of this mountain," Cole called back, pointing toward the monstrously huge mountain. "We'll be there in no time!"

Mateus slowed his pace, falling by Jacob's side. "You want to get on my back?"

Jacob's face let out a small smile, amused by this. "That's okay, I don't want to wear you out or anything. I'm pretty heavy."

"Psh," he waved his hand with a laugh. "I can carry my own weight plus ten kilos. Not that you look like you even weigh as much as me."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Jacob raised an eyebrow with a grin. "We're practically the same height! Plus, I'm sure you're tired enough walking up this hill."

"Nah, I'm not tired at all!" he hurried in front of Jacob, bending down a bit for him to hop on his back. "C'mon. I didn't train all my life and get these muscles for nothing!"

"aha no." Jacob laughed without humour, he sighed.

"Alright, your loss." Mateus bounced with every light step, Jacob noticed. Mateus slowed down to Jacob's pace instead. Deciding complete silence would be pretty awkward in his situation, Jacob made the first move to break the ice.

"So, you've literally never left the castle, huh?" Jacob asked, thinking back to what Mateus had been talking to Cole about in the dungeons.

He shook his head. "Not really. I used to be able to until it was restricted for a while. It was only because once I wandered off for too long and my parents had to send guards out to bring me home."

"Really? Where'd you go?"

"Just into the forest," he explained. "It's obviously not dangerous or anything. I mean, look at this place."

Jacob knew what he meant. Even as it was getting darker, the forest was calm and emitted a friendly atmosphere. From the flowery fragrance filling the air that was enough to calm anyone's nerves to the mindful creatures that roamed around, minding their own business in the lively coloured area.

"I get what you mean," Jacob admitted. "This place is really beautiful. The kingdom, too. And where Ace's from. Everything is, honestly." He laughed.

Mateus laughed. "I guess it's more fascinating when you're seeing it for the first time. To me, this place isn't like that, you know?"

"Yeah, I get you. But, trust me, my world is ten times more dull and lifeless than this one. If only you could see it."

"Hmm," he hummed. "You know, it's said that when you're less happy, the colours you see are duller. And when you're happier, your world is brighter and everything seems more exciting. Maybe coming here is what you needed!"

"Well, I can assure you nothing spontaneously mood-changing happened as soon as I fell into your world. I mean, I did have a few heart attacks and literally begin to question my sanity, other than that, that's it. Well, and that's when I met Jason. But we didn't know each other, so I don't think that counts."

"Oh. Him?" Mateus nodded towards Jace, who was having a conversation with Ash up ahead.

"That's the one."

"Ever heard of a soulmate?"

"Soulmate...? Well, yeah, but that's differen- "

"Well, can you explain to me what it is?"

"What...?" Jacob asked, perplexed.

"Tell me what you think a soulmate is!" Mateus laughed.

"I''s, uh, when two people are meant to be together, I guess."

"Right. And did you ever think that maybe you came here for a reason? What if Jason is your soulmate!"

"Wait what?  I don't think so... I'm pretty sure I only like women."

Mateus laughed again. "No, no, soulmates aren't always romantically involved. It can be in a close friend way, too. You know, like, the best friend forever thing. Just kinda...planned by fate."

The sound of it was intriguing to Jacob, actually. It made him start thinking: everything happens for a reason, right? If he fell into that world for the sole purpose of doing nothing but returning right back to his own, then...wait, no, that couldn't be it...could it? There had to be a reason he fell in Arcanis, met the people he did and so on. Maybe, he thought, he would save the world or something...! A group of men going on some adventure and conquering evil along the way, saving the entire world from total annihilation? Sounded about right. Damn this was starting to sound like one of those really intense action films...

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