New Ducks

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The next day, Bombay had informed the team that they would be meeting the newest additions to the Ducks and to say they were all on edge, was an understatement

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The next day, Bombay had informed the team that they would be meeting the newest additions to the Ducks and to say they were all on edge, was an understatement.

After they got dressed in the locker room, they headed out onto the rink and filed in behind Coach and Mr Tibbles. Audrey had placed herself in between Adam and Connie, looking over the rink.

"So, team me about my new kids." Bombay said. 5 people had skated up to the middle of the rink and Audrey looked them over; four boys and only one girl. 

"That's Luis Mendoza. He's from our Miami club, a real speedster, incredible skater." Tibbles explained as Luis placed his helmet on his head and took off on the ice. "I clocked him at 1.9 seconds blue line to blue line." Luis then showed us what Tibbles was talking about and Audrey gulped.

Not gonna lie, Luis was faster than Audrey and she knew that and instantly grew nervous. 

"Good looking skater." Connie spoke and Audrey shook her head in agreement. "Very good looking. What do you think, Adam, Guy?" Averman asked, looking between the two boys.

"Shut up, Averman." They spoke and pushed Averman down. "Oof." He groaned and Adam placed a kiss on Audrey's cheek and she smiled up at him. "He might be good looking, but damn Banks. You fine." Audrey smirked, causing his face to go red.

"He has one minor problem..."Tibbles started as Luis ran into the boards. "Has a little trouble stopping." 

"I'd say so." Goldberg joked, causing all of them to laugh in agreement. The newbies gathered around him to help him up. "Yeah, I'm okay. I almost had it that time." he explained and they all sniggered

Next up was a boy in a cowboy hat and Adam tipped his imaginary hat at Audrey, causing her to giggle. 

"Yee-haw! How's everyone? Y'all ready to play some puck?" he pretty much yelled and Audrey shook my head at his enthusiasm. "We're gonna tear these kids to pieces." Audrey whispered whispered to Fulton and he nodded in agreement.

"Hey look. Its Hop-along Gretzsky." Jesse laughed. "That's Dwayne Robertson from Austin. He's the best puck handler I've ever seen." Tibbles explained 

"You mean for his age." Bombay stated

"No. I don't." Tibbles argued and they all looked at Dwayne with curiosity. "Hey! this is easier than ropin' hogs! Yee-haw!" he yelled while passing the puck between his feet. 

Audrey sent a side glance to her boyfriend who looked nervous. Adam was by far the best player on the team due to his puck handling skills and now with Dwayne, coach might replace him.

"He does have a tendency to show boat." Tibbles explained, causing Audrey to roll her eyes. "You don't say." Adam whispered to her and she laughed in response

Next up was a girl dressed in goalie pads and nudged Goldberg and pointed to the opposite goal post and leaned towards her sister, "Do my eyes deceive me or is there another girl?" causing her sister to nod in excitement.

"There's Julie 'the cat' Gaffney. She won the state championship for her team three years in a row." Tibbles explained and Audrey nodded her head, impressed with the new girl.

"Well, we have a goalie. Goldberg." Coach told him and everyone turned to see him hitting the posts and then falling into the splits and Audrey groaned in embarrassment and threw her back on her boyfriends shoulder.

"Watch this!" Tibbles told us as Julie caught/blocked every puck that came her way. "Well, we could use a backup." Coach explains. "Isn't that the kid from the Olympics? The figure skater?" Audrey asked, motioning to the Asian who just skated up to the middle of rink

"Yep. Ken Wu. What can I say? I convinced him that hockey had more of a future. We put a stick in his hand and nobodies been able to touch him." He explained as Ken did a scratch spin.

Heavy metal blasted from the right side of the rink and Audrey turned her head to see a kid who looked no more than 17, place a bandanna on his head . "There is no way in hell he's a teen! He looks like he's 17!" Audrey exclaimed, causing her team to respond in agreement as they skated around the rink

"Yeah! Show time!" he claimed, placing headphones on and grab his stick

"That guy's a teenager?" Bombay exclaimed. "Don't you know that everything's on fire, yeah!" He sang along with the music. "Uh...yeah. Hormones." Tibbles tried to explain. "He's a goon!" Audrey scoffed as Coach agreed

"C'mon Tex! Sing with me!" He yells at Dwayne who shook his head in fear. He lets him go and continues down the line, knocking Charlie down in the process.

"My kids don't play that kind of hockey." Bombay told Tibbles. "Well, Fulton does. When he gets the chance." Audrey told him, as she skated by, Adam in suit. They both skated over to the side of rink and grabbed their helmets.

Adam pulled Audrey closer by the front of her jersey and placed a kiss on her lips before winking and skating away. She shook her and let out a giggle as she placed her helmet on her head, skating over to the rest of the ducks. 

"Who does this guy think he is?" Fulton asked and that's when all hell broke loose. It was basically the old ducks vs. the new kids in a screaming match.

"Please. People only like watching you play because you showboat." Adam scoffed at Dwayne.

"If it wasn't for your girlfriend, you wouldn't even be on first line." Dwayne fired back and that got Audrey's attention. She pushed past Adam and stood just centimeters away from Dwayne.

"Only because Coach knows that placing Adam and I together is the best way to be unbeatable." She sneered and Dwayne rolled his eyes at the girl

Boy, this was gonna be a long season

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